CS map to Q3

*map* *map* *map*

CS map to Q3

Postby SteveMcqueen » 07.21.09

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Joined: 4th Sep 2005
Posts: 21
I recently converted my map from HL2 to HL1 and here's some brief hints that might be useful to other people. Please post a reply if there is a better way, or maybe a program out there to do it for you that I haven't heard of. Sorry if I skipped some details, but this took a lot of trial and error, and I only wanted to do it once!

--HL2 .vmf files can be converted to HL1 .rmf files. Texture info cannot be converted, all entities should be deleted before converting, and only world brushes will work. Also remember that HL1 world bounds are much smaller than HL2. Save as .vmf in Hammer on Steam. Open .vmf file in Quark set for HL2 and save as Quark universal .qrk file format. Edit Quark .qrk file in text editor until Quark will open .qrk file as Quake 3. Save as Quake 3 .map file in Quark. Edit Quake 3 Quark .map file in text editor until GTKRadiant will open as a Quake 3 file. View console in GTKRadiant to see errors. Choose yes when GTKRadiant asks to convert brush solids when first opening .map file from Quark. GTKRadiant .map file will now work with HL1 Hammer and can now be saved as .rmf file.


so viel zur theorie....

Re: CS map to Q3

Postby SteveMcqueen » 07.21.09

You will need:

Worldcraft 3.3
GTKRadiant 1.1.1
Microsoft Word


1. Make whatever shape you fancy in Worldcraft or load in a GTKRadiant mapfile and alter it.
2. Export to a .map file
3. Load the .map file into Word.
4. Select Edit > Replace or press CTRL-H
5. Click the 'More' button and check the "use wildcards" checkbox
6. Copy the text within the quotes directly into the Find box: " [([!]]{1,})] {1}[([!]]{1,})]*^13"
7. Copy the text within the quotes directly into the Replace box: "0 0 0 1.000000 1.000000^p"
8. Click Replace All
9. Delete all the extraneous Half-Life-related stuff at the top, but leave the top two lines about the worldspawn.
10. Save the file.
11. Load it in GTKRadiant and use the edge and vertex drag tools to snap any stray vertices to the grid. This may take a couple of goes to get right.

Note that texturing will not be preserved, so don't bother using WC to texture the shape. Have fun!

hmmmmmm... oder so?


Re: CS map to Q3

Postby SteveMcqueen » 10.09.09

GFC Scape:
GCFScape is an explorer like utility that enables users to browse Half-Life packages and extract their contents. GCFScape supports .bsp, .gcf, .ncf, .pak, .vpk, .wad and .xzp packages and runs independently of Steam.

gfc scape homepage:

Re: CS map to Q3

Postby Vendetta » 11.20.09

yay i cant decompile the cs map i want to decompile, i get this error:
************ ERROR ************
#mapscs_zbank.bsp is not a IBSP file
dont know what this is :?

ps: found that in my log: "Last one turns the lights off"
am i that?? :) *gg*
greetings, Vendetta
(steve im mumble kannstes bestimmt besser erklären)
but by reading the posts above i thought about the name of this topic... ==>CS map to Q3 (hmm... u wrote about hl maps as i understood)
dont know what i made wrong... :(
Call me V
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