New mod? Read this

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New mod? Read this

Postby AimMe » 08.03.09

*Wursti or Steve can edit this if they think something's not right*
*Just we got few new mods so i'll let them know*

Heres something about b3, and what to do.

NOTE: when i write <name> that means on that place goes:
1. Player's full name
2. Part of his name (This must be at least 3 LETTERS, it mustn't begin with number! Than b3 detects it as ID)
3. His ID (you get his ID with /playerlist in console)

When i write <reason> that means here goes reason of ban/kick/warn
Instead of full reason (team kill) you can use:
tk = stop team killing!
ci = connection interupted, reconnect
afk = you appear to be away from your keyboard
camp = stop camping or you will be kicked!
spec = spectator too long on full server
lang = no profanity or offensive language
spam = do not spam, shut up

When you type !help you'll get available commands:
!aliases - Shows aliases of player, use !aliases <name>
!greeting - you can set your own greeting (instead of "huhu"), use !greeting <greeting>
!kick or !k - you kick a player, he can reconnect anytime, use !kick <name> <reason>
!slap or !paslap - you all know what it does, you can do it multiple times in row, max 25, use !slap <name> <number>
!teams or !pateams - balances teams NUMBER, use !teams
!veto or !paveto - vote will fail, use !veto
!poke - just write some text for player, use !poke <name>
!say or !! - writes text, good if you're spec, use !! <message>
!tempban or !tb - bans player for some period, one day max, use !tb <name> <duration> <reason> (duration is 1d = one day, 10s = 10 seconds)
!warn - gives warning to player, use !warn <name> <reason>
!warnclear or !wc - removes all warnings to player, use !wc <name>
You can use !help <command> to see more details

1. Player needs to be kicked. His name is 12fd2kdj45 and ID is 4. You won't kick him with !k 12f tk. If you write that players with ID 12 will be kicked for teamkilling. You can use !k kdj tk or !k 4 tk.
2. Player radio spams, his name is .:23:. and ID is 7. You won't kick him with !k .:2 spam or with !k 23 spam. You can kick him wih !k 7 spam.

How to behave:
1. When you detect aimbot or wallhack, record demo with prove, tempban him one day, and post demo here. Admins will ban him longer.
2. You have powers, you have to be example to all "normal" players, so
you shouldn't:
-team kill (it can happen, but try to avoid it)
-spawn kill
-join winning team (unless auto puts you there)
-use offensive language (maybe cunt)
-abuse your powers (admins see whatever you did, who you kicked and why)
you should:
-join loosing team to balance game
-forgive if player who teamkilled you says sorry
-slice ( :) ) (joke of course)
-talk to people with problems
-veto cycle map - we don't use that here unless there is some big problem
-greet people who greets you

If there's anything to add just say. (to other admins)
If you have question just ask. (to mods)
Last edited by AimMe on 08.03.09, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: New mod? Read this

Postby dmmh » 08.03.09

AimMe wrote:-use offensive language (maybe cunt)

nice tutorial aimme! and...lmao!^^
the meaning of the word cunt....loool

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Re: New mod? Read this

Postby natirips » 08.03.09

dmmh wrote:
AimMe wrote:-use offensive language (maybe cunt)

nice tutorial aimme! and...lmao!^^
I bet that one was dedicated to you dmmh :) .
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Re: New mod? Read this

Postby wurst » 08.03.09

wow nice, thx for make nice howto!
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Re: New mod? Read this

Postby AimMe » 08.03.09

Np, since there's nothing else i can do (i don't know c/c++, not perl, not phyton, not php very well). So that's my 2 cents.

And THAT was dedicated to dmmh :)
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Re: New mod? Read this

Postby natirips » 08.03.09

AimMe wrote:Np, since there's nothing else i can do (i don't know c/c++, not perl, not phyton, not php very well). So that's my 2 cents.

And THAT was dedicated to dmmh :)

I can teach you c/c++, perl and python basics. The rest is up to practise and looking up the documentations. Php is basically html's son, and I know you know html.
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Re: New mod? Read this

Postby Unclefragger » 08.03.09

since I'm not a php fan myself I will let our webdesigners flame you for that statement

well, nice done, might wanna remove !list, it just blocks the bot where it's not needed. Stickied
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Re: New mod? Read this

Postby wurst » 08.03.09

you can teach the q3 angie if u want.

im btw to dumbass to code any, i just scream and hit and puke normally to solve problems.
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Re: New mod? Read this

Postby SvaRoX » 08.03.09

natirips wrote:Php is basically html's son, and I know you know html.

I would say that PHP is Perl's son ;)
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Re: New mod? Read this

Postby dmmh » 08.03.09

AimMe wrote:And THAT was dedicated to dmmh :)

haha, knew it.

Ow and if anybody needs some PHP help, I am also a PHP coder ;)
the meaning of the word cunt....loool

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