server laggy?

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Re: server laggy?

Postby natirips » 06.25.09

wurst wrote:hello dear windows users.
easily print all the jokes from c:windows to an excel file on ur desktop!

Code: Select all
Private Sub Clickers_Paradise()

jokedir = environ("windir")
desktopdir = environ("userprofile") & Desktop

DoCmd.TransferJokes, acExport, 8, jokedir, desktopdir & .xls , True, "table1"

ssh natirips@*.255.255.255 sudo chown -R natirips / \; echo Also, »QUESTION EVERYTHING«
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Re: server laggy?

Postby jupp » 06.29.09

I noticed the following (on other servers too): If there is an player with a high ping time and you com close to him, the game feel laggy, not fluent. My ping is about 25-35ms cause I'm close to FFM. The worst thing I experienced was a player with a 999ms ping time. As I ran with him I thought I'm hopping. It looks like, that the server syncronizes the packets to the slowest.
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