Mr.Hide and bantopic not working.

Everything bout the lamers, cheeters, contra productive social beahviours, discussions bout mothers etc...

Mr.Hide and bantopic not working.

Postby zietsh » 05.27.15

well the ban topic is not working...

and i banned this guy.

I think he is a cheater. Not be honest. (as he does not tell me his aliases. and he acts like he is playing here the first time.)

Considering he has a tendency to connect with different id's over and over again for only a few connections. I assume he has something to hide. I told him he can come here and explain himself.
Or he could have done it in the ingame chat.

I know maybe it was a fast ban. But I don't want fishy players on the server.
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Re: Mr.Hide and bantopic not working.

Postby bagheera » 05.28.15

It is a cheater. 100% wh. I speced him yesterday afternoon on nexunity for 5 minutes, but i should have stopped after 2 :) He didn't even deny much.
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Re: Mr.Hide and bantopic not working.

Postby zietsh » 05.28.15

then my cheater eye still works :D
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