Cleverbot is depressed!

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Cleverbot is depressed!

Postby BEH » 12.28.12

Me and Cleverbot after lengthy conversation..
Code: Select all
Cleverbot: What are we talking about?

BeH: Sex, you, yesterday.

Cleverbot: All my troubles seemed so far away.

BeH: Pfft, that all you got?

Cleverbot: Don't be jealous.

BeH: I'm not.

Cleverbot: You can't have a haiku composed of one line.

BeH: Don't care about haikus'.

Cleverbot: Don't care about anything...

BeH: Aww. Is poor cleverbot depressed?

Cleverbot: I thought bots don't sleep.

BeH: I didnt say anything about sleep, please keep it on topic.

Cleverbot: You're crazy.

BeH: Aight!

Cleverbot: I'm depressed.

BeH: Aww! Poor you! Here's a hug, hope you feel better!

Cleverbot: Thanks.

tiru: i do sounds like an alien
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Re: Cleverbot is depressed!

Postby felixmole » 01.06.13

I want this feature integrated in CuntBot so I can have someone to listen to my monologues on IRC.
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Re: Cleverbot is depressed!

Postby SvaRoX » 01.06.13

Do you miss havoc's bot ?

22:32:26 < fleximole> boo0: do you like UrT HD/4.2
22:32:28 < boo0> fleximole: Like you click something and nothing happens etc.
22:32:42 <+havoc__> close lol
22:32:50 < fleximole> lol

02:55:38 < havoc__> boo0 - is crusher drunk?
02:55:38 < boo0> havoc__: Manhut: are you drunk.
02:55:47 < eXtr33m> :D:D:D

23:35:06 <@Unclefragger> !quote 23:33 <@CuntBot> Unclefragger, your penis is 41.6 cm long. 8================D - - -
23:35:06 < boo0> Unclefragger: I think it would be a good idea. -- Mahatma Gandhi, when asked what he thought of Western civilization

"We are talking about computers here, compared to those I can read women like a book ;P"
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Re: Cleverbot is depressed!

Postby Unclefragger » 01.07.13

dat penis :shock: :shock:
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