[BANNED] spectrum BY [2.f4] CAUSE [2]

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spectrum banned [2]

Postby urtdemos » 11.14.11

spectrum banned cause 2

XLR ID: 304896
B3 ID: 350360

Ban Added: 2011-11-14 20:56:09
TempBan Expires: 2011-11-17 20:56:09

Duration: 3 days
Penalty ID: 1483843
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Re: [BANNED] spectrum BY [2.f4] CAUSE [2]aimbot

Postby urtdemos » 11.14.11

reason :) nvm still learning

demo added
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Re: [BANNED] spectrum BY [2.f4] CAUSE [2]

Postby JRandomNoob » 11.14.11

Ummm, only two kills at point blank range, and then ban just as it promised to go hot… I’ll withhold judgment in this case.
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Re: [BANNED] spectrum BY [2.f4] CAUSE [2]

Postby urtdemos » 11.14.11

Got it, next time longer demo. Anyway, its obvious aimbot lock on unfinished target.
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Re: [BANNED] spectrum BY [2.f4] CAUSE [2]

Postby BEH » 11.15.11

The standard for a demo here is 2 clear examples of the cheat in action. So demo can be as short as 5 seconds. :)

Edit: the 360 degree spin and walking through half the map without using the mouse and then shooting two people is a clear example of aimbot. f1
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Re: [BANNED] spectrum BY [2.f4] CAUSE [2]

Postby natirips » 11.15.11

IMHO, this demo doesn't show anything at all. I watched the two kills with timescale 0.1 and it's not exactly convincing.

Only walking half the map while pointing at a single point is suspicious.
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Re: [BANNED] spectrum BY [2.f4] CAUSE [2]

Postby BEH » 11.15.11

your forgetting the 360 spin he does when he spawns. That and walking half the map without using the mouse is a classic aimbot thing. That alone already convinced me.
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Re: [BANNED] spectrum BY [2.f4] CAUSE [2]

Postby Crusher » 11.16.11

BEH wrote:your forgetting the 360 spin he does when he spawns. That and walking half the map without using the mouse is a classic aimbot thing. That alone already convinced me.

Yep it often happens when someone is aimbotting
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