eXtr33m wrote:btw. WHO the f*** are you?? playing 6 hours. wow i cant play for 2 hours (my wrist will hurt, i get angry of idiots etc etc).. geez
Yeah, I hear that lots of people get wrist trouble when using the mouse too much. I've never had any problem with it, only when I use the mouse on a too high surface, my elbow will start to hurt. Of course there's a limit on how long I can play; when I first installed UrT, I played something like 20 hours straight and suffered an awful headache in the end, complete with nausea.
And of idiots (I assume you mean malevolent players, not just blocking and tking noobs): they can really kill your mood, so you're literally shaking of anger and just can't play anymore, but usually there isn't enough of them, and they get kicked in one way or another so you can resume your play. It's probably different natures, I suppose...
Does a griefer have Buddha nature?-)When I talk about having a good time in the game, I use the expression "getting into the flow". This is somewhat connected to the traditional warrior ethics (not that I think they'd make sense in IRL): don't be afraid of death, respect your adversaries, etc. Good, ahem, "enemies" aren't playing on the purpose of raping you virtually; the game is about having fun, not winning. I have no respect of people who taunt others (if they suck themselves, it's at least funny:-)). A simple example: somebody you've been fucking in every which way is suddenly in your team. Do you switch your attitude 180° and start helping him -- having previously made him your bitch, made him cry and enumerated all the various ways he and his family are perverted?
For me, acting like this would be impossible. I'm the reverse of the stereotypical sociopathic [gamer|nerd]; I do not particularly like company, but when I choose to have it, I cooperate and worry about whether they have fun (going as far as failing to have fun myself, unless I'm really pissed and just leave). IIRC we haven't played together much, but maybe you've noticed that I say ":-)" a lot, usually right after being killed. I'm happy then, either having accomplished something or having been surprised somehow (like, when slicing, I run into BeH and he deliberately switches to knife and cuts me down). I think the reason why I like DSWP has something to do with the amount of good players here, who likewise respect their fellows.