Lady Gaga from Serbia XD

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Lady Gaga from Serbia XD

Postby Witch » 02.02.11

Here is one video from Serbian Lady Gaga.

My God, I want that skull from her head, really evil xD

Watch this vid @ Youtube (new Window)

She said that Lady Gaga try to act like her, that she is original and GaGa is just a copy. :D

Just saw my friend put it on facebook, and there were big discussion... :evil:
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Re: Lady Gaga from Serbia XD

Postby wurst » 02.02.11

how did they glue teh evil skeletor skull to her hairstyle?
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Re: Lady Gaga from Serbia XD

Postby Witch » 02.02.11

No idea. :D But it looks funny. :lol: :lol:
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The reason why world is in chaos, Is because things being loved
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Re: Lady Gaga from Serbia XD

Postby natirips » 02.02.11

Witch wrote:But it looks funny.
Whatever you may say, I dare not push the play button.
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Re: Lady Gaga from Serbia XD

Postby wurst » 02.03.11

dont dare to klick the inevitable.
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Re: Lady Gaga from Serbia XD

Postby Ana » 02.25.11

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Re: Lady Gaga from Serbia XD

Postby Ana » 02.25.11

jebote Jelena Karleuša on dswp.....
there was Severina (i think) so why not Jelena......

but this is real Lady Gaga from Serbia:
(dont miss the climax @ 4:17 at least)

Watch this vid @ Youtube (new Window)
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Re: Lady Gaga from Serbia XD

Postby wurst » 02.26.11

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Re: Lady Gaga from Serbia XD

Postby natirips » 02.26.11

As for the kid, he doesn't seem magnetic, just sweaty (and thus sticky). Also notice how stuff never sticks to him from below, but only from above (as in: he's leaning backwards a little bit). If it weren't winter I'd make a photo of myself doing something close to that. (someone remind me in the summer if you want to). Try placing a metal object on your palm and slowly rotate your palm (as if trying to throw it) until the object falls off. You'll see how long you can actually hold it. And most of you should be aware of how you can stick a piece of paper or a coin to your fingers and lift it off the table that way.

As for "lady gaga", he's almost as disgusting as the original. ;)
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Re: Lady Gaga from Serbia XD

Postby wurst » 02.28.11

please, natirips!
hes magnetic.
i mean...
its obvious, ure just jealous.
that kid is magnetic, ure not...
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