[CHEAT] el_enrabador weird

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[CHEAT] el_enrabador weird

Postby eXtr33m » 02.01.11

This guy is a weird guy -> he had 15:5 score, i switched to spec and he was quite a noob... and then comes this weird part shooting on his teammates and maybe he is testing AB i dont know thx..
PS: I dont know his name so pls if u watch write it here thx. THX JRN! :)
EDIT: and the demo..
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Last edited by eXtr33m on 02.01.11, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: [CHEAT] el_/* I dont know */ weird

Postby JRandomNoob » 02.01.11

eXtr33m wrote:Hello,
PS: I dont know his name so pls if u watch write it here thx :)

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