OTTMETRATTO -- a rather funny aim(less)bot [BANNED]

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OTTMETRATTO -- a rather funny aim(less)bot [BANNED]

Postby JRandomNoob » 01.15.11

Everybody, say welcome to our newest cheater, OTTMETRATTO. He said that he "likes this serveur", which we happily aknowledge. His bottin' skillz kinda suck, but we're sure he'll get better.

Honestly, I wonder how the hell did he manage a score of 80:9 on dust_2... On swim his crosshair did really weird things, including gluing itself to the middle of the map:-) He got kicked by our friendly B3 just when I wanted to do !admin.
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Re: OTTMETRATTO -- a rather funny aim(less)bot

Postby Unclefragger » 01.15.11

A funny one indeed, aimbot became super obvious when he was in that cabin under the roof, locking on targets (even through walls) whilst being scoped in after a shot ...

Banned for 30 days, thanks for the catch!
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