Right-Enhancement for the "normal" (moderator) folks

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Re: Right-Enhancement for the "normal" (moderator) folks

Postby natirips » 12.10.09

SvaRoX wrote:
natirips wrote:Yeah, I always help both teams: I help my teams because I often leave unfinished targets when I die making them easy frags for others, and I help the opposite team by shooting at my teammates that cross my line of fire. ;)

lol :) If I may give you an advice : remove the yellow cap ! (and take a helmet...)
I do sometimes take a helmet, and on rare occasions even kevlar halmet+ kevlar vest+negev ;) :?

I typically don't wear helmet/vest because I take silencer+laser+medkit, even with MP5K. I just love it's precision and fire rate.
ssh natirips@*.255.255.255 sudo chown -R natirips / \; echo Also, »QUESTION EVERYTHING«
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Re: Right-Enhancement for the "normal" (moderator) folks

Postby pharaohSRB » 12.15.09

[/quote]Honestly I don't find interesting to play in the stronger team and I hate that way the game where we take the whole map.[/quote]

Here are other situations when my team is much worse than the other team. But to me it is exactly the challenge to prove myself that I can play in this situation and to improve my skills. Did not bother me personally this situation and I continued to play the next map. So I want to say that my team is sometimes stronger, sometimes weaker. When my team is stronger I switch side, when my team is weaker I will continue to play and I will try to achieve a better result.


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Re: Right-Enhancement for the "normal" (moderator) folks

Postby wurst » 12.15.09

we need a team balancer that dont count players but kills.
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Re: Right-Enhancement for the "normal" (moderator) folks

Postby SteveMcqueen » 12.15.09

wurst wrote:hm.
we need a team balancer that dont count players but kills.

das ist die beste und am einfachsten zu implementierende idee überhaupt!

Re: Right-Enhancement for the "normal" (moderator) folks

Postby wurst » 12.15.09

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Re: Right-Enhancement for the "normal" (moderator) folks

Postby Zottel » 12.12.10

Hi der Zottel hier

Ich wollte mal auf diesem weg die Admins des "Wust test serwer"s fragen, ob ich 1 bis 2 Rechte auf dem Server bekommen könnte?

Ich weis es ist ganz schön dreist, einfach so sich anzumelden und zu fragen, aber das hat ja auch seinen Grund das alles.

I play on this server already quite a while und muss sagen es macht immer wieder spass, aber manchmal würde ich schon gern mal dem einen oder anderen mal einen "!slap" verpassen wollen! Und ich könnte mich schwarz ärgern, wenn ich mich entschuldige, raffen manche eierköppe es nicht und dann bin ich mal wieder gesperrt!

Könntet Ihr mir wenigstens das mit dem !slap bei mir freischalten?

Besten dank schon im voraus euer Zottel

Hi here the Zottel

I wanted to ask on this way the Admins of the "Wust test serwer", if i 1-2 could get right on the server?

I know it is pretty bold, simply log on and ask, but then it has some very good reasons all.

I play on this server already quite a while and must say it's always fun, but sometimes I would have liked even one or other times a "! slap" want to miss! And I could annoy me, if i say "sorry", realizing it, some do not and then I'm sometimes blocked again!

Could you at least to me that with the "!slap" approve with me?

Many thanks in advance your Zottel

p.s. Sorry for my bad eglisch
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Re: Right-Enhancement for the "normal" (moderator) folks

Postby bky » 12.12.10

du willst ne lizenz zum nicht-durch-tk-gekickt-werden und zum slappen-wenn-du-dich-ärgerst? O_o

ich würd' nich' mit erfolg rechnen :mrgreen:
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Re: Right-Enhancement for the "normal" (moderator) folks

Postby Rayne » 12.12.10

Cookies (not your Cookie, another cookie. Uncle probably knows who i talk about) made a bot that would kick a player off the server if his skill level was too low.
If you can kick someone cause he isn't playing well enough, then it should be possible to create a bot that would activate if certain team isn't doing so well, and swap players from one team to another to balance things out.
That part is probably the easiest part. The hard part actually is how to make the bot stop. If it transfers too many good players, the game will just turn into one team destroying the other in turns. If it doesn't transfers enough players then it didn't change much.
So the main problem is how to create a "smart" bot that can determine how many players need to be swapped in order to create 'balanced' teams.

Bring the Rayne.
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Re: Right-Enhancement for the "normal" (moderator) folks

Postby Unclefragger » 12.12.10

... die Leute die ständig slappen sind bei mir eher auf der Liste der Leute die slaprechte verlieren sollten statt sie zu bekommen.
ist super nervig mit bigtext für alle, nem sound über die halbe map und am Ende hat nen slap noch nie geholfen nen Konflikt zu lösen oder sonst irgendein Ziel zu erreichen (ausnahmen: server leeren und bomb defuse verhindern)

For the people who can't speak german:
Come on it's fucking early been drinkin till 7 am ... use google translate and let me sleep ...
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Re: Right-Enhancement for the "normal" (moderator) folks

Postby eXtr33m » 12.12.10

Zottel: Well i understand your Deutsch better then Englinsh even when i am not from Germany :D
Well to the TK thing: Try to not kill your teammates. That's all. I was too kicked a lot from tking but i learned not to shoot teammates and because of that i often die (teammates are mostly stupid), so try to avoid teammates :)

Anyway i would welcome !slap power too.. When you see same person at same place in same sniping position whole game, you wouldnt be happy either.

Unclefragger wrote:For the people who can't speak german:
Come on it's fucking early been drinkin till 7 am ... use google translate and let me sleep ...

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