This is an old revision of the document!
This is a work in progress: only the weapons are described at the moment.
Most of the weapons in UrT have incorrect stats: either wrong ammo count or incorrect burst-firing ability (comparing the stopping power to their real-life counterparts would be just plain silly). Like in its spiritual predecessor Action Quake 2, the ejection port is usually on the left side for the cool effect of sending brass flying across your screen. The heavy Heckler & Koch prevalence was caused by one of the first modellers being German. The lineup has mostly stayed the same since UrT 2.0 (June 2001) with only two new weapons being introduced since then (one of them a reskin). The weapons are not team-restricted — although there were plans for more differentiated sides1), this will only become true when HD is released.
The accuracy-affecting stats can be classified as
Different weapons have different cool-down rates, meaning the time between stopping shooting and the spread falling back to the normal for that weapon and aim zeroing (in UrT, recoil affects the aim only temporarily). Snipers are 100% accurate while scoped in, but completely inaccurate when not. All three scoped weapons also have very noticable movement penalty: walking, running, jumping, sliding or being on unstable footing (swimming, in the air) reduces the weapon’s accuracy to nothing. See the Equipment section for spread-reducing addons.
Knife (Ka-Bar Next Generation Knife2)) | Head | Helmet | Torso | Kevlar | Limbs |
100 | 60 | 44 | 35 | 20 | |
![]() | Ammo: 5 knives | ||||
Fire modes: slice, throw | |||||
Attachments: N/A | |||||
Unlike in Counter-Strike, switching to knife doesn’t affect your speed in any way. The reason jumpers are commonly using knife is that it’s one of the smallest weapons, obscuring your view very little. Another reason might be that back in 2.x era the manual erroneously claimed that equipment reduces your stamina, so apparently people started dropping everything other than knives before going jumping (this is one of the myths that are refusing to die). | |||||
Beretta (Beretta 92G3)) | Head | Helmet | Torso | Kevlar | Limbs |
100 | 34 | 30 | 20 | 11 | |
![]() | Ammo: 15 × 3 (× 5 with extra ammo) | ||||
Fire modes: semi | |||||
Attachments: laser, silencer | |||||
Beretta is one of the weakest weapons in the game, offset by its incredible accuracy, no recoil even while shooting at maximum rate, and fast reload. It shares power with MP5 and Negev, with the exception of headshot being 100%. | |||||
Deagle (.50 Desert Eagle4)) | Head | Helmet | Torso | Kevlar | Limbs |
100 | 66 | 57 | 38 | 22 | |
![]() | Ammo: 7 × 3 (× 5 with extra ammo) | ||||
Fire modes: semi | |||||
Attachments: laser | |||||
Deagle or DE is the only weapon other than snipers capable of blowing heads off. | |||||
Spas (Franchi SPAS-12) | Body | ||||
Single pellet does 4 damage, the full blast is 80. | |||||
![]() | Ammo: 6 + 20 (+ 40 with extra ammo) | ||||
Fire modes: semi | |||||
Attachments: N/A | |||||
Spas is the only weapon in UrT with incremental reload: you load the rounds one by one until you release the key or the tube magazine is filled, being able to cancel the process and shoot at any moment. It’s also the only weapon you can’t reload while bandaging. Its random damage (even at point blank, some of the shot can miss) and horrible spread beyond short range makes it a rather unpopular weapon, carried only by a few snipers. Its ability to hit every zone with a single blast makes the target more likely to bleed out however, minimizing the effect of kevlar. | |||||
MP5 (Heckler & Koch MP5K) | Head | Helmet | Torso | Kevlar | Limbs |
50 | 34 | 30 | 20 | 11 | |
![]() | Ammo: 30 × 3 (× 5 with extra ammo) | ||||
Fire modes: burst, auto | |||||
Attachments: laser, silencer | |||||
MP5 is one of the two weapons that can’t kill with a single headshot. Its accuracy is mediocre, but its fire rate is the highest of all UrT weapons. | |||||
UMP (Heckler & Koch UMP45) | Head | Helmet | Torso | Kevlar | Limbs |
100 | 51 | 44 | 29 | 17 | |
![]() | Ammo: 30 × 3 (× 5 with extra ammo) | ||||
Fire modes: spam, auto | |||||
Attachments: laser, silencer | |||||
The unique feature of UMP is the spam mode (introduced in 4.0): on every other weapon, burst is simply full auto restricted to three shots per trigger pull, but on UMP, spam has several times faster fire rate than auto. This is not a miracle mode though: if you miss, there’s a short delay before you can shoot again, not present in normal burst modes. | |||||
HK69 (Heckler & Koch HK69) | - | ||||
Like HE grenades, HK69 nades do not show damage percentage on hit and the actual damage received from an explosion varies depending on distance. | |||||
![]() | Ammo: 1 + 3 (+ 6 with extra ammo) | ||||
Fire modes: short range, long range | |||||
Attachments: N/A | |||||
HK69 single-shot grenade launcher is the trickiest weapon, not just because its nades do not explode on contact, but also because its code is full of funny bugs and edge cases. Direct hit by a nade can seemingly randomly vary from no damage at all to about 40%, but occasionally the nade kills the victim instantly (called a squirrel after the alternate death message). A nade can get stuck in the hit mesh — and if the hit player moves, the nade will stay in the air. HK69 is most useful for plugging chokepoints from farther away than you could do with HE nades, and of course random noobtubing. Due to its high miss rate, it’s perhaps the only weapon where taking extra ammo makes sense. |
M4 & LR300 (Colt M4A15) & ZM LR300 ML) | Head | Helmet | Torso | Kevlar | Limbs |
100 | 51 | 44 | 29 | 17 | |
![]() ![]() | Ammo: 30 × 3 (× 5 with extra ammo) | ||||
Fire modes: semi, burst, auto | |||||
Attachments: laser, silencer | |||||
LR300 is perhaps the most iconic UrT weapon, having appeared in just a few other games, and even then as one of the gazillion rifles — on the other hand, in UrT it’s the weapon for competitive players. M4 and LR300 are actually twins in every aspect, the history behind this being a bit convoluted. In UrT 2.6, LR300 was introduced as the replacement for M4 — while the officially stated reason was differentiating UrT from other games6) and the model for M4 showing its age, the possible reasons may include Colt being a bit of a trademark troll back then, and SID (Silicon Ice Development, the predecessor to Frozen Sand LLC) deciding to play it safe to avoid the possibility of having to pay licensing fees. This proved an unpopular move and after the developers got fed up with the community complaining, M4 was reinstated alongside the LR300 in UrT 3.2, their specs having drifted slightly apart by then. (The competitive scene, previously mainly M4 users, had switched to LR300 and have stayed with it.) This was the start of an argument lasting to this day whether the two weapons have any differences at all, and if, what exactly might they be. M4 is rumored to be a bit more accurate while having more spread, but the actual difference must be negligible. (The programmers have changed over time and nobody’s bothered to actually check the gamecode, which means that when developers chime in, its usually with “yeah, might be”.) In real life, LR300 is a licensed version of the AR-15 platform, with the direct impingement gas system replaced with a more conventional piston, and the action modified to work without the buffer tube, enabling the use of folding stock. |
AK (Kalashnikov AK-1037)) | Head | Helmet | Torso | Kevlar | Limbs |
100 | 58 | 51 | 34 | 19 | |
![]() | Ammo: 30 × 3 (× 5 with extra ammo) | ||||
Fire modes: semi, burst, auto | |||||
Attachments: laser, silencer | |||||
High damage, but low rate of fire and high recoil and spread make AK somewhat unpopular weapon (in the competitive scene, it’s seen in the hands of some CTF players). | |||||
G36 (Heckler & Koch G36) | Head | Helmet | Torso | Kevlar | Limbs |
100 | 51 | 44 | 29 | 17 | |
![]() | Ammo: 30 × 3 (× 5 with extra ammo) | ||||
Fire modes: semi, burst, auto | |||||
Attachments: silencer | |||||
Nicknamed “Gay36” by its detractors, G36 has the power of M4/LR300, but comes with a scope, offset by having fire rate as slow as that of AK-103. It’s one of the preferred weapons in CTF, used mostly by defenders and/or on large maps. Although the model used since UrT 3.0 is the German domestic version with dual sights (reflex on top of scope), only the latter is usable. |
Negev (IMI Negev) | Head | Helmet | Torso | Kevlar | Limbs |
50 | 34 | 30 | 20 | 11 | |
![]() | Ammo: 90 × 2 (× 3 with extra ammo) | ||||
Fire modes: auto | |||||
Attachments: silencer | |||||
Negev has mediocre accuracy, but low spread and recoil — you can spam the whole 90 rounds and still get hits (that’s the reason it’s the stereotypical aimbotter weapon). Its high ammo capacity is offset by very low damage, very long belt change, and the inability to carry a secondary. In 3.x versions where it was first introduced, Negev had 150 round belt, could only attach laser and reduced your stamina the same way kevlar still does. The stamina reduction hasn’t been true for ages, but since Negev is considered a gimmick weapon by most players and rarely used, the myth still persists. |
PSG (Heckler & Koch PSG-1) | Head | Helmet | Torso | Kevlar | Limbs |
100 | 100 | 97 | 63 | 36 | |
![]() | Ammo: 8 × 4 (× 7 with extra ammo) | ||||
Fire modes: semi | |||||
Attachments: silencer | |||||
Nicknamed “PSGay” by its detractors, PSG is the weapon that fails to kill medics, but also turns them into sitting ducks: if you carry medkit and act quickly, you’ll be able to bandage the torso hit before you bleed out (just barely). Its lower damage when compared to SR8 is offset by the ability to shoot the whole magazine without unscoping. In real life, PSG-1 is claimed to be the most accurate semi-auto sniper ever, and hilariously expensive — prices start at about US$10,000. |
SR8 (Remington SR8) | Head | Helmet | Torso | Kevlar | Limbs |
100 | 100 | 100 | 100 | 50 | |
![]() | Ammo: 5 × 4 (× 7 with extra ammo) | ||||
Fire modes: bolt-action | |||||
Attachments: N/A | |||||
Like the most powerful rifle in many other games, SR8 is nicknamed “the finger of God”, merrily ignoring any protective equipment you might wear. It’s power is offset by a long bolt-cycling animation that cannot be cancelled, meaning that getting hit immediately before/after a shot can end with bleeding out helplessly. Starting with UrT 4.1, getting hit by a bullet while scoped in unscopes you. (They had attempted to differentiate SR8 from PSG in 4.0 by giving it 100% damage in every zone other than limbs, balancing it with just 3-round magazine. Its users weren’t amused. The unscoping is meant to keep SR8 from becoming a BFG.) From 4.0 onwards, SR8 has been more rusher-friendly: it’s not re-scoping automatically after a shot, allowing you to make a frag and immediately continue crazy jumping. In real life, SR8 was a prototype based on Remington M700, developed for the Italian Army and rumored to go into production around the time UrT 2.0 was developed. This didn’t happen though; there were just a dozen test builds, most of them destroyed after the project was shelved. The furniture of the SR8 in UrT appears to be made up (the real ones were built on Remington M24 trigger group and stock). |
More specific data about accuracy and reload times on Taggedzi’s UrT Oasis (these pages don’t discuss Spas, snipers or HK69 though)