redesign/ideas.txt · Last modified: 2010/06/02 13:32 by Unclefragger

Idea collection

Idea collection

this page is to be used to collect additional ideas how to enhance, they will be realized once the main page is done (very-low priority for now)

a special site accessible by mobile device to display current status and stats

user defined layout

Not entirely free, but having the stuff in modules (mumble viewer, status viewer for the servers, knifers etc) and have a control page for the people to choose what to display where (left + right) and the order would be neat.
Also who is where could be realized contact list style and put into such a module (maybe with the option to show {friends|tdm only|gameservers only|all|…}). Also with the feature to collapse/expand a module on click.

Short list of features that could be placed in such modules:

  • Server status (pretty much like we have it right now, one per server)
  • Mumble viewer
  • Who is where
  • Latest posts(/topics)
  • Latest wiki modifications
  • Latest git changes
  • Unreplied threads (+option to limit search to lamas corner)
  • MORE?

I will try to draw a picture later on