We run a modified version of the ioUrbanTerror dedicated server, the changes include:
Interested in opening more slotz, the need of protection from exploits and massive b3 lags without rcon timing adjustments have lead us to running a custom build of ioUrTded, kick messages (with suffixes) came later.
To keep backward compatibility kicking without reasons is still possible, the suffix is stored in server variables (sv_kicksuffix1, sv_kicksuffix2, sv_kicksuffix3, sv_kicksuffix4), each representing one line of text.
viewgit (browse and download): http://git.dswp.de/viewgit/?a=summary&p=ioUrbanTerror
Announcement for kick messages (with screenshot): http://www.dswp.de/old/announcements/fancy-kick-message-t2294.html