natirips wrote:
My previous monitor was a bit smaller and had higher vertical resolution.
It was a CRT after all, in theory CRTs could have arbitrary resolution up to phosphor atom's size per pixel.
At least for monochrome CRTs, that's true. And for Trinitron (i.e. aperture grille) based
CRTs, it holds true for vertical resolution. { End of nitpicking ;-) }
natirips wrote:
Also, I just re-discovered my old friend a few minutes ago: black sunglasses. They sure help reduce eye strain when viewing white web pages on an LCD. :)
Hmmm ... sure the brightness / contrast settings are at the lowest possible values?
Did you try ddccontrol?
natirips wrote:
P.S.: I almost forgot: I am afraid of losing colors in b3's messages. Also, having hit-messages mixed with chat it
quite contra-productive.
Yep. That's why I refrained from using that, too.