oki guys, heres next try for restarting the gameserver in the case it dont answer properly.
it is (thx xtj7) a little php script that use rcon protocol for querying the gameserver status (like hlsw etc)
if the answer dont contain "statusResponse", the restart batch will kill the server via taskkill and start it again.
thats the checking script
$fp = fsockopen( 'udp://', 22222, $errno, $error, 1 );
fwrite( $fp, "xFFxFFxFFxFFgetstatusx00" );
if( $fp && strpos( fgets( $fp, 2048 ), "statusResponse" ) ) {
echo( 'Server alive' );
} else {
echo( 'Server died' );
system( "C:/gameservers/UrbanTerror/ForceRestart.bat && exit", $output );
echo( 'Attempting restart...' );
...and thats the C:/gameservers/UrbanTerror/ForceRestart.bat
taskkill /F /IM ioUrTded.exe
taskkill /F /IM python.exe
sendemail -f gameserver@dswp.de -s xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx:225 -t lol@huhu -t spam@me.com -u huhu -m omg i did it again.
ah 2 notes:
-allways be sure to remember the save mode before use
passthru() or
system()-sendemail.exe command line mail client can be found free at
http://www.caspian.dotconf.net/menu/Software/SendEmail/-be patient for the case our little "sylvesterknaller" has a littel "new-years-eve-backfire-issues"