A bit long.. i was tired

yea and he was bit annoying on #linux channel
its a bit long. I just had to post this somewhere so sry if u dont like it
<m4dc0d3r> hi?
<eXtr33m> hi
<eXtr33m> :D
<m4dc0d3r> oh :D
<m4dc0d3r> these faggots kicked me :(
<eXtr33m> trolling late in night are you?
<m4dc0d3r> no im not trolling
<m4dc0d3r> just trying to find some support
<m4dc0d3r> a game is nothing without a fanbase
<m4dc0d3r> and development doesn't happen without donations
<eXtr33m> ofc. then you make your project famous :)
<eXtr33m> *you hav e to
<m4dc0d3r> that is what i am trying to do
<m4dc0d3r> well
<m4dc0d3r> too famous wouldnt be good either
<m4dc0d3r> because i dont want others to steal my ideas
<eXtr33m> well you are doing in the worst way ever sry
<eXtr33m> lol
<m4dc0d3r> why?
<m4dc0d3r> i jsut tried to explain the concept of the game
<m4dc0d3r> so i got kicked ...
<eXtr33m> no you were trying to get money from people :D
<m4dc0d3r> im not from US
<m4dc0d3r> so i can't use kickstarter
<eXtr33m> you are from Austria i know
<m4dc0d3r> and i really cannot continue development without some donations
<m4dc0d3r> i am sorry, its just not possible
<m4dc0d3r> i need to pay for food and everythign
<eXtr33m> get some investors, if u cant i am sorry
<m4dc0d3r> but how do i get investors if i cant use kickstarter
<eXtr33m> well if u cant i am sorry you shouldnt run the project in the first place when you dont have money :)
<m4dc0d3r> yes i should
<m4dc0d3r> i am a coder
<m4dc0d3r> i love games
<m4dc0d3r> so i want to make games
<m4dc0d3r> but i can't go to soem big company like EA
<m4dc0d3r> because they have no time for innovation
<m4dc0d3r> i am like notch
<m4dc0d3r> just a bit better
<m4dc0d3r> i have a dream
<m4dc0d3r> to make a game
<m4dc0d3r> which runs on linux
<m4dc0d3r> and is great
<eXtr33m> .. we all have a dreams
<eXtr33m> how old are you?
<m4dc0d3r> 16
<m4dc0d3r> but do NOT judge me by my age
<m4dc0d3r> just dont.
<m4dc0d3r> ive got solid skills in c++ and various other languages
<eXtr33m> :) I started too doing "projects"
<eXtr33m> yeah i am not much older than you :)
<m4dc0d3r> maybe you understand.
<m4dc0d3r> i want to do this for a living
<m4dc0d3r> like notch
<m4dc0d3r> but i cant do this without cash
<m4dc0d3r> notch is the guy who made minecraft
<m4dc0d3r> a small crappy game
<m4dc0d3r> that made more than 2 million US $
<eXtr33m> m4dc0d3r do it too
<eXtr33m> if u want money
<m4dc0d3r> the problem is
<m4dc0d3r> i cant sell it before it's ready
<m4dc0d3r> and i need to pay for things before its ready
<eXtr33m> and dont you think he had the same problems?
<m4dc0d3r> no i dont
<m4dc0d3r> he was older
<m4dc0d3r> he had a job
<m4dc0d3r> he had money
<eXtr33m> then get a job yourself and get money :)
<m4dc0d3r> but then i dont have enough time for the game
<eXtr33m> all i wanted to tell you there is NO point in asking for money on forums IRC etc.
<m4dc0d3r> oh really.
<m4dc0d3r> so if thats all you wanted to tell me i guess the conversation is over
<m4dc0d3r> thanks for nothing
<eXtr33m> :)
<eXtr33m> pleasure to meet you too
<m4dc0d3r> how is this a pleasure
<m4dc0d3r> its fucking frustrating
<m4dc0d3r> the linux community wants games
<m4dc0d3r> dont they
<m4dc0d3r> most people dont use linux because of the games
<eXtr33m> do you understand?
<m4dc0d3r> why do people donate to haiti
<m4dc0d3r> thats not done either
<m4dc0d3r> the people there are still suffering
<m4dc0d3r> and yet they pay
<eXtr33m> m4dc0d3r because they are stupid and they are controlled by media.
<m4dc0d3r> seriously?
<eXtr33m> yes
<m4dc0d3r> you think they are stupid for supporting people who really need help?
<eXtr33m> no i dont think they are stupid, i just dont think they are doing it because they want to help people in need
<m4dc0d3r> really
<m4dc0d3r> so why do they do it then
<eXtr33m> they might say so but it isnt that way
<m4dc0d3r> so they do it because they have too much money?
<m4dc0d3r> or because god told em to do so?
<eXtr33m> maybe i dont know,
<m4dc0d3r> what is wrong with supporting a project that will help the whole linux community
<eXtr33m> If people were really so "good" and great we would be living in a fucking Utophy righy now
<m4dc0d3r> and me
<m4dc0d3r> and good games
<m4dc0d3r> all im asking for is something like 10$
<m4dc0d3r> thats nothing
<m4dc0d3r> a drop of water on a hot stone
<eXtr33m> m4dc0d3r are you going to give them back 20$?
<m4dc0d3r> but still it can make a huge difference
<m4dc0d3r> i am going to give them the game for free
<m4dc0d3r> if they donated
<m4dc0d3r> so instead of 20-30$ they pay 10.
<eXtr33m> m4dc0d3r well most of the linux software is developed FOR FREE
<m4dc0d3r> well, then give me developers for free
<eXtr33m> if u think somethink else you are stupid
<m4dc0d3r> i am wokring on this alone
<m4dc0d3r> if someone wants to help, that would make a huge difference
<m4dc0d3r> but...
<m4dc0d3r> how many really good games are there for free
<m4dc0d3r> except for quadrapassel
<m4dc0d3r> that one rules
<m4dc0d3r> theres no individual, NEW game
<m4dc0d3r> for free
<m4dc0d3r> because thats not how it works
<eXtr33m> UrT
<m4dc0d3r> what?
<eXtr33m> there is shitload of Freeto play games
<eXtr33m> Urban terror
<eXtr33m> etc.
<m4dc0d3r> urban terror sucks
<m4dc0d3r> imo
<m4dc0d3r> maybe you like it
<m4dc0d3r> i dont
<m4dc0d3r> and its not a reason to switch to linux
<eXtr33m> its not
<m4dc0d3r> i could give you a crappy game for free
<m4dc0d3r> or a polished, regularly updated one for 15$
<eXtr33m> and how do i know you will make a good game?
<m4dc0d3r> i am keeping you updated on the development staus
<m4dc0d3r> *status
<m4dc0d3r> i am including your ideas int othe game
<eXtr33m> you have to convince people to believe you will make it
<eXtr33m> you are doing big shit now
<m4dc0d3r> there is no guarantee.
<eXtr33m> then there is no money
<m4dc0d3r> you will have to risk 15$.
<eXtr33m> AHAHA we get to the point
<eXtr33m> NOBODY will do that
<eXtr33m> sorry
<m4dc0d3r> yea they do
<eXtr33m> maybe in 50 years
<m4dc0d3r> you are fucking naive
<eXtr33m> or later
<m4dc0d3r> how old are oyu?
<eXtr33m> older
<m4dc0d3r> younger than 20?
<eXtr33m> yes
<m4dc0d3r> above 18?
<eXtr33m> 16 - 20 thats good interval
<m4dc0d3r> take a look at kickstarter
<eXtr33m> In May 2011 a New York University film student raised $1,726 to make a film, but plagiarized the French film Replay instead.
<eXtr33m> qouted from wiki
<m4dc0d3r> recently, people pledged 1400$ for roboArena
<m4dc0d3r> well, thats not my fault
<m4dc0d3r> i am honest
<m4dc0d3r> you will have to believe me though
<eXtr33m> go find people who will give you money but dont be angry when they dont give u them
<m4dc0d3r> the reason i am angry is because of other reasons
<eXtr33m> why?
<eXtr33m> because they laugh at you?
<m4dc0d3r> because you think people would not donate some pocket money for a good cause
<m4dc0d3r> who is laughing at me?
<m4dc0d3r> lol
<eXtr33m> few guys in the channels you tried to propagate your project :D
<m4dc0d3r> how old does one have to be to stop acting childish
<m4dc0d3r> 30?
<m4dc0d3r> 40?
<eXtr33m> m4dc0d3r there isnt exact number
<eXtr33m> it depends from person
<m4dc0d3r> oh
<m4dc0d3r> so youre a fucking immature person
<eXtr33m> :)
<eXtr33m> maybe i am
<m4dc0d3r> too immature to be worthwhile
<eXtr33m> maybe is the 90% of the world
<eXtr33m> it was nice arguing with you
<eXtr33m> if u want to leave
<eXtr33m> i am not throwing you out :P
<m4dc0d3r> i know. because you have too much time, too much comfort and not fucking enough brain to do something with it
<m4dc0d3r> i am seriously disappointed
<m4dc0d3r> looks like its true what they say
<m4dc0d3r> that linux users dont want to pay for anything
<m4dc0d3r> which means
<eXtr33m> Ahaha
<m4dc0d3r> that they have no idea how economy works
<m4dc0d3r> and that it is not possible to give everything away for free
<eXtr33m> m4dc0d3r no it works like this -> you make a game and then you get paid
<eXtr33m> if u dont have a money to make a game i am sorry.
<m4dc0d3r> if only it was that easy.
<m4dc0d3r> what is your favourite game
<eXtr33m> i dont have favourite game.. i like to sometimes play FPS and otherwise singleplayer RPGs
<m4dc0d3r> pick a good game.
<m4dc0d3r> iamgine how it began
<m4dc0d3r> hwo the developer had an idea
<m4dc0d3r> and started thinking about making that game
<m4dc0d3r> but there was a problem
<m4dc0d3r> money
<m4dc0d3r> he couldnt make that game wihtout money
<m4dc0d3r> so he asked for help
<m4dc0d3r> a tiny amount of 10$ from some people
<eXtr33m> m4dc0d3r most of the games from the studios which invests the money
<m4dc0d3r> who enoy gaming
<m4dc0d3r> yes, studios..
<m4dc0d3r> they dont make innovative games
<m4dc0d3r> its like ikea furniture
<eXtr33m> m4dc0d3r i never heard of the game that was starting like that
<m4dc0d3r> then you have never heard of the term "indie game"
<eXtr33m> oh?
<m4dc0d3r> inde = independentlie
<m4dc0d3r> y
<m4dc0d3r> the people who bring innovation into gaming
<m4dc0d3r> are individualy
<m4dc0d3r> individuals
<m4dc0d3r> who want to make something new
<m4dc0d3r> something exciting
<m4dc0d3r> the big studios
<m4dc0d3r> only go for money
<m4dc0d3r> nothing else
<m4dc0d3r> they dont care
<m4dc0d3r> if they have to make the same FPS over and over again
<m4dc0d3r> and you know...
<eXtr33m> WAIT
<m4dc0d3r> it works
<m4dc0d3r> wait.. for what
<eXtr33m> m4dc0d3r i know what is independent
<m4dc0d3r> but... ?
<eXtr33m> but there is nothing about that they get money from people
<eXtr33m> in the beggining
<m4dc0d3r> look again.
<eXtr33m> they have to invest on their own
<m4dc0d3r> look at kickstarter
<m4dc0d3r> mony indie projects are funded there
<m4dc0d3r> *many
<m4dc0d3r> and on kickstarter
<eXtr33m> then go for a kickstarter
<m4dc0d3r> it is being decided
<m4dc0d3r> if they can make that game or not
<m4dc0d3r> i cant
<m4dc0d3r> its US only
<eXtr33m> then i am sorry, find something similar in EU or whatever
<m4dc0d3r> it is just a platform
<m4dc0d3r> but after all its the people who want good games that donate
<eXtr33m> no people believe there are people who knows how to good invest money so they give it to them
<eXtr33m> or is it like you get $$$ and you dont have to give nothing back?
<m4dc0d3r> sure they get stuff back
<m4dc0d3r> you get the game
<m4dc0d3r> credits
<m4dc0d3r> soundtrack
<m4dc0d3r> artwork
<m4dc0d3r> lots of perks
<m4dc0d3r> and you made the game possible
<eXtr33m> well then my sentence still works
<m4dc0d3r> without your 10$, the game would never be there
<eXtr33m> people believe there are people who knows how to good invest money so they give it to them
<m4dc0d3r> make that a bit clearer please
<m4dc0d3r> a bit easier to understand
<m4dc0d3r> my english isnt perfect
<eXtr33m> well
<m4dc0d3r> and neither is yours
<eXtr33m> there are people in kickstarter who decide if the project is supported or not
<eXtr33m> as you said
<eXtr33m> Thanks for critique, Its 1:17 AM
<m4dc0d3r> where are you from
<eXtr33m> So its not actually people giving money to you but people giving money to investors(people who decide) and the investors invest the money
<m4dc0d3r> no
<eXtr33m> m4dc0d3r middle europe
<m4dc0d3r> the kickstarter people only make sure you dont post shit
<m4dc0d3r> but you donate directly to the project.
<eXtr33m> ok
<eXtr33m> but there is filter
<eXtr33m> so people are assured that they money wont go into shit
<m4dc0d3r> no
<eXtr33m> you said it
<eXtr33m> the kickstarter people only make sure you dont post shit
<m4dc0d3r> they have to trust the developers
<eXtr33m> the kickstarter people only make sure you dont post shit
<eXtr33m> the kickstarter people only make sure you dont post shit
<eXtr33m> read that
<m4dc0d3r> noone can guarantee the game will be released
<eXtr33m> yes
<eXtr33m> i agree
<m4dc0d3r> kickstarter assures you dont post spam
<eXtr33m> but they are convinced to believe it will be so
<m4dc0d3r> but not that your money will not go into "shit"
<eXtr33m> otherwise the project is not supported
<eXtr33m> they try to filter out bad projects no?
<m4dc0d3r> i promise that if i get enough donations to be able to make the game, you get it for free.
<eXtr33m> i dont believe you. why should i?
<m4dc0d3r> why would you think i am scamming you
<m4dc0d3r> i even have screenshots of the game as it is now
<eXtr33m> Well
<m4dc0d3r> although, there is not much to see
<eXtr33m> ;)
<m4dc0d3r> since most work is behind the scenes
<eXtr33m> that is not good for your advertising
<m4dc0d3r> but i cant change it
<m4dc0d3r> unless i get enough money to continue development
<m4dc0d3r> so you get more to see
<m4dc0d3r> but i can show you
<m4dc0d3r> that i am working on it
<eXtr33m> again -> I am sorry but unless you find people who believe you, based on nothing then you are ....
<eXtr33m> screwed
<m4dc0d3r> based on nothing?
<eXtr33m> m4dc0d3r Yes that's the point
<m4dc0d3r> no its not
<m4dc0d3r> its not based on nothing
<m4dc0d3r> i can show you screenshots
<eXtr33m> you have to make the best advertising ever
<m4dc0d3r> i could show you parts of the code
<eXtr33m> thats not what i thought
<m4dc0d3r> advertising does not come for free
<eXtr33m> setup a site
<m4dc0d3r> then you are htinking the wrong thoughts
<m4dc0d3r> i can show you
<m4dc0d3r> that i am working on
<m4dc0d3r> it
<m4dc0d3r> i can show you
<m4dc0d3r> that the project does exist
<m4dc0d3r> would that be enough?
<eXtr33m> maybe you could post on happypenguin i dont know, thats "free advertising"
<eXtr33m> for me? if its not OSS probably not
<m4dc0d3r> you only play OSS games?
<eXtr33m> nope
<m4dc0d3r> so whats the problem
<eXtr33m> but i certainly dont pay for games i dont believe they will be good
<m4dc0d3r> why odnt you think it will be good
<m4dc0d3r> minecraft was a huge success
<eXtr33m> because you didnt convinced me
<m4dc0d3r> my game is like minecraft
<m4dc0d3r> but with much better graphics
<m4dc0d3r> and with actual gameplay
<m4dc0d3r> so since minecraft is good
<eXtr33m> then release it if u say you have it :)
<m4dc0d3r> and my game is better
<m4dc0d3r> it is not DONE
<m4dc0d3r> it is IN DEVELOPMENT
<m4dc0d3r> i need moeny to FINISH it
<eXtr33m> then i will correct what you said
<m4dc0d3r> what?
<eXtr33m> <m4dc0d3r> my game will be like minecraft
<eXtr33m> <m4dc0d3r> but with much better graphics
<eXtr33m> <m4dc0d3r> and with actual gameplay
<m4dc0d3r> the concept IS
<m4dc0d3r> the game WILL be
<m4dc0d3r> but only IF
<m4dc0d3r> i can continue DEVELOPMENT
<eXtr33m> then make advertising for your concept
<m4dc0d3r> that would be stupid
<eXtr33m> well
<m4dc0d3r> and expensive
<eXtr33m> it is as author :) (i know i am stupid too)
<m4dc0d3r> youre really just a waste of time
<m4dc0d3r> kthxbye
<eXtr33m> Thank you :)