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 Post subject: MAPPING: r_speeds
PostPosted: 06.22.09 
When r_speeds = 1, the numbers read as follows (where the # sign equals a number)

# / # shaders/surfs # leafs # verts # / # tris #.## mtex #.## dc

# / # shaders/surfs is the number of shaders in view, followec by the number of surfaces in view.

# leafs is how many leaf nodes are potentially visible.

# verts is how many vertexes are in view

# / # tris is the number of trangles drawn by the renderer in a single pass single pass followed by the number of triangles drawn by the renderer with all passes. These are the numbers that are most often implied when someone talks about "r_speeds." If the r_ext_multitexture variable is off, the numbers will reflect a more accurate accounting of the real triangle count (see multi-pass texturing section below).

# .## mtex #.## dc [definition under construction]


 Post subject: Re: MAPPING: r_speeds
PostPosted: 06.23.09 
fuck tris... surfaces are important:

NulL``: the surface count it more important
NulL``: you want it below 2000 optimally
NulL``: and definatly below 3000
NulL``: surfaces are batches of triangles
NulL``: the engine uses batches, it doesnt render each triangle on its own
stvmcq```: hm like one brush, cut and textured differently is still one surface?
NulL``: not nessicarily
NulL``: a group of brushes that are touching that have the same texture may be batched into one surface
NulL``: like trisouped terrain

also 27's magic q3map2 will make for better fps, even with 30k tris... wtf?

18:37.34       stvmcq```:   Delirium`: 15000 tris is fine <--- what about that statement?
18:42.52       BladeKiller: have a look at the level deisign forum and you'll see the latest map by TwentySeven has over double those r-speeds and runs fast
18:43.04       BladeKiller: it really depends on construction
18:43.56       stvmcq```: some special things to watch out for?
18:44.17       BladeKiller: ... 609.0.html
18:44.29       BladeKiller: he has a link to the compiler
18:44.40       BladeKiller: it's not the latest version though
18:45.05       BladeKiller: I can't find the link to the newest one so maybe he hasn't made it public yet
18:45.38       BladeKiller: the one in the thread has -hint and -merge though and all the new graphic effects
18:46.12       stvmcq```: hm, what is especially important to make a map run good with 30000tris... ?
18:46.34       BladeKiller: here it is ... 515.0.html
18:46.35       stvmcq```: always thought the only thing you could do was to lower the amount of triangles?
18:46.56       BladeKiller: scroll down to TwentySeven's post and there is a link to the latest q3map2
18:47.25       BladeKiller: vis blocking does a lot
18:47.36       BladeKiller: also his new compiler makes a big difference
18:47.42       BladeKiller: his map is huge
18:50.35       BladeKiller: hinting is really hard
18:50.42       BladeKiller: it's more art than science
18:51.07       BladeKiller: that's why it's better to use -hint in the new q3map2

before all i knew was:
a map with below 12000k tris will play fine. a playermodel has about 1200. go figure... fuck you internet, fuck you.


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