(my knowledge on this subject is based lonely on this thread)
I'm not a admin or moderator on the servers but it seems as if you wrote that without any provocation(?).
When saying no racism on the server, I must admit that that would be the wrong cause to ban someone in your case. Since this would be an extreme view of political sort. I myself always say I'm extreme against extremists (why I feel the need to comment on this
To wrap it up: I think the ban is justified; but not for racism but extremism of political sort. So as said, if the rules clearly say political issues shall not be part of the game, I'd ban you to if I feel like it.
BUT as a hobby advocate; here are the correct reasons for a ban against you:
no national, religious, gender or sexual orientation based insults
no abusive language or behavior towards other players
no profanity or offensive language - in any language. Believe us we speak many
don't spam with textual or radiomessages
don't swear
http://www.dswp.de/old/wiki/doku.php/dswp:rules (German version: