natirips wrote:
I am actually seeing how long it will take me to get used to reversed mouse and movement controls...
Woohoo! Welcome to the reversed club. And yes, I am aware of how unnatural it is to find such an unnatural configuration natural. (Heh. Naturally.) However, I've
always played with reversed mouse (as in, the first time I fired up an FPS with today's standard config, I was utterly perplexed, and resolved to always reverse the mouse as the first thing ever when installing a new game). It could probably be blamed to my early interest in flying (especially dogfighting); I somehow got this established in my mind that in 3D space, pushing means "down" and pulling, "up". From books alone, by the way.
Re camping: Yeah, that's a necessary step when learning. The only way for newbs to understand
anything about the dynamics of the map without dying all the time (seriously,
all the time, without ever seeing what hit you) is to sit in some hard-to-reach place and take opportunity shots at enemies who stand still long enough for you to line up with them. They'll get better. I always spare few seconds for the half-dead "snipers" camping near the spawn to heal them; I remember fairly well what I was like about two months ago. Of course, at a certain stage, when they reach the minimum skill level needed for combat, it's useful to poke them into action, otherwise they'll camp much longer than necessary. For me, this poke came from our beloved madmin, in a form of well-placed !kick;-)