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 Post subject: Re: dswp.cube
PostPosted: 08.31.10 
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Rayne wrote:
Cookie wrote:
Rayne wrote:
I'm sorry guys but i sold my computer today so i can't continue working on this background, I'll finish it when i find a new rig. And XTJ needs to make me a new clean render of that cube.

you sold your computer for beer? :shock:

No i sold if for 140 euros LMAO. Some architect plonker came along and was thrilled how it works compared to his 1,8 hahahah.
Now I'm looking for something better, these are my current options.

AMD Athlon 64 X2, 2700 MHz
ATI Radeon X1950 Pro

It's cheap, it looks good, should i buy this thing or not.

Pentium 4 3,0 Ghz
1,75 Gb Ram
Nvidia Geforce 7800 gs 256 mb
150 Gb HDD

This one is single core, but it's a 775 socket so it can easily be upgraded. And it has and nvidia (somewhat weaker) GPU.

Intel Core2Duo E4400 2,0 GHz
512MB DDR2
graficka ATI Radeon HD 4350 256MB PCIE, HDMI i DVI
HDD 80 GB Hitachi SATA

This one is probably weakest but it's definitely the cheapest.
I didn't know people here in Croatia still buy used computers (for more than 200kn/30€). I remember giving one away a few years ago (when we bought Aimme his new computer).

Anyway, Nvidia or very old ATI is a must for Linux. Newer ATI cards practically have no drivers for linux, and an x1600 I have at home runs only without drivers on Linux, and is quite sucky on Windows. However, an ATI 9200 worked on Ubuntu out-of-the-box with 3D acceleration.

NVidia drivers are actually installable on Linux.

On the other notice, if you do only one thing on your computer at a time, dual-core, quad-core or million-core is often no different from a single core.

I još jedna stvar:
Pentium 4 3,0 Ghz
1,75 Gb Ram<-----???
Nvidia Geforce 7800 gs 256 mb
150 Gb HDD

ssh natirips@*.255.255.255 sudo chown -R natirips / \; echo Also, »QUESTION EVERYTHING«


 Post subject: Re: dswp.cube
PostPosted: 08.31.10 
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Ako imas monitor, tastaturu i mis, za 2000kn (275€) mozes kupiti komp:
AMD Athlon II X2 240 @ 2800
nvidia 8400GS 512MB
320GB HD
2GB DDR2@ 800mhz
zajedno sa kucistem, napajanjem, maticnom, mozda cak i za manje .
Tako da ova zadnja 2 nema smisla kupovat (osim ako nisu za 800kn i ti stvarno u skripcu)

I'd really recommend nvidia, since ATI has some driver problems...



 Post subject: Re: dswp.cube
PostPosted: 08.31.10 
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@natirips I use windoze, not much of a penguin fan so.
I noticed that 1.75 GB ram thing, my best guess is that he has 4 slots and he filled it up with all the ram he managed to get his hands on.

@aimme Prvi ide za 1000 kn a zadnja dva su oko 850 svaki. I da itekako sam u skrpicu jer nisam bas pri lovi nakon sto sam platio sve racune.
A ovog sam se morao rjesiti pod hitno jer sam prosli tjedan tokom ciscenja slomio (ne pitaj kako ja sam to sam sebi objasno kao lom uslijed starosti i izlozenosti temperaturi) jednu onu capicu na koju se zakvaci ventilator i hladnjak. Nakon nekih 2 sata zejbancije uspio sam to zalijepiti super attack FTW ali je rezultat bio slabiji pritisak hladnjaka na procesor tako da sam morao drzati otvorenog kako bi mu temperatura bila stabilna.
Ne trazim nista specijalno ni novo, trebam nesto sto ce drzati vodu dok se situacija ne sredi.


Bring the Rayne.


 Post subject: Re: dswp.cube
PostPosted: 08.31.10 
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OK, onda razumjem.



 Post subject: Re: dswp.cube
PostPosted: 08.31.10 
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@Rayne: Dal bi ti neke da imam (momentalno imam viška samo hrpu 56K modema, nekaj SIMM RAM-a, Pentium 2 sa spiganim nožicama, imam Pentium 1 (75MHz, moze se overclockat na 90MHz 8-) ), par maticnih ih 90-tih, jednu zvucnu iz kamemog doba (ima nesto nalik na serijski port na sebi), jedan disk od cca. 600MB i par CD-ROM-ova). Imam i par 3.5" Floppy-ja i jedan 5.?" Floppy pogon za koji brijem da je potrgan. Imam i neki procesor za koji opče neznam kaj je i nekaj SDRAM-a na nekoj matičnoj koja služi kao ukras u mojoj sobi.

Imam i jedan kompjutor koji inače radi ali je matična praktički otišla (pa nemožeš stavit disk u njega jer ga ne prepozna). I čini mi se da nema RAM-a u sebi trenutno, ali ima CD-RW pogon s kojeg sam butal LiveCD od Ubuntua uspješno. Ima ATI Radeon 9200 u sebi, Intel Celeron (ak' se ne varam) na cca. 2GHz, matična je za DDR. Komp je jako mali (starinsko barebone tower kučište).

ssh natirips@*.255.255.255 sudo chown -R natirips / \; echo Also, »QUESTION EVERYTHING«


 Post subject: Re: dswp.cube
PostPosted: 08.31.10 
posted some :)
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natirips wrote:
@Rayne: Dal bi ti neke da imam (momentalno imam viška samo hrpu 56K modema, nekaj SIMM RAM-a, Pentium 2 sa spiganim nožicama, imam Pentium 1 (75MHz, moze se overclockat na 90MHz 8-) ), par maticnih ih 90-tih, jednu zvucnu iz kamemog doba (ima nesto nalik na serijski port na sebi), jedan disk od cca. 600MB i par CD-ROM-ova). Imam i par 3.5" Floppy-ja i jedan 5.?" Floppy pogon za koji brijem da je potrgan. Imam i neki procesor za koji opče neznam kaj je i nekaj SDRAM-a na nekoj matičnoj koja služi kao ukras u mojoj sobi.

Imam i jedan kompjutor koji inače radi ali je matična praktički otišla (pa nemožeš stavit disk u njega jer ga ne prepozna). I čini mi se da nema RAM-a u sebi trenutno, ali ima CD-RW pogon s kojeg sam butal LiveCD od Ubuntua uspješno. Ima ATI Radeon 9200 u sebi, Intel Celeron (ak' se ne varam) na cca. 2GHz, matična je za DDR. Komp je jako mali (starinsko barebone tower kučište).

To otprilike zvuci kao sadrzaj ormara u mojoj staroj sobi kod mojih staraca XD


Bring the Rayne.


 Post subject: Re: dswp.cube
PostPosted: 09.01.10 
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Can i be happy with my 1.8 GHz Opteron 144 (singlecore), 1.25 GB RAM, 250 GB HDD, ATI Radeon HD 2600 Pro (256 MB) and some on-board soundcard..

I played lot of new games like modern warfare and evrything works, my Urt works fine sometimes it drops on 45 fps, or 25 fps if there are many players in big place..

Ye unfortunately this isnt always enough for audio and graphic programs, but for coding its perfect! :)


 Post subject: Re: dswp.cube
PostPosted: 09.01.10 
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eXtr33m wrote:
my Urt works fine sometimes it drops on 45 fps, or 25 fps if there are many players in big place..
I have fps limit set to 30, the same value as used for max packets per second. :D

ssh natirips@*.255.255.255 sudo chown -R natirips / \; echo Also, »QUESTION EVERYTHING«


 Post subject: Re: dswp.cube
PostPosted: 09.01.10 
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Well i decided to give AMD another shot so i bought that athlon based computer. It's taking a crap load of tme for UrT to install tho, maybe something to do with the win 7, i have to scratch that crap and install XP.


Bring the Rayne.


 Post subject: Re: dswp.cube
PostPosted: 09.01.10 
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nick: [ntr]Shortly
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Rayne wrote:
Well i decided to give AMD another shot so i bought that athlon based computer. It's taking a crap load of tme for UrT to install tho, maybe something to do with the win 7, i have to scratch that crap and install XP.

I heard some people say that Vista is great for them.

Oh, and don't throw away Windows 7, did you know that you can see two windows next to each other at the same time in 7?

ssh natirips@*.255.255.255 sudo chown -R natirips / \; echo Also, »QUESTION EVERYTHING«


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