Think it is really hard to ignore the telefrag.
About the autokick. I ban 5 or 6 Teamkiller a day. And the same number i still miss cause b3 is faster than me. And that is good cause even as an admin i just want to play from time to time. And all admins are just in trouble to handle all the rules and keep the server free of teamkiller, cheater and some other lamers (yeah i mean the little stupid camping guys
I cant sit all the day in spec and kick
- Noobs (bad kill/death ratio doesent mean you are an noob, just a bad day or a bad team, so hard to say who is a noob or not)
- Guys who just cant watch there mates and jump in there fireline
- teamkiller (accident or not. Just watch you fire, nades and so on)
- Teamatacker (without b3 most of them wouldent even noticed by an admin)
and Cheater.
B3 is an Admin tool wich trys to make our job a little bit easyer. And handle a 55 Slot TDM Server wich is almost full is a fucking hard job.
Btw. Sorry for the bad english
And thanx to dmmh. Das hätt ich nicht schöner sagen können