21:39.23 qqwertyy: only one thing
21:39.43 stv``: sup
21:39.44 qqwertyy: im using object viewer of cs .bsp maps
21:39.55 qqwertyy: and i see the texture
21:40.44 qqwertyy: and i try to find a texture in urt textures which is similar anyway
21:40.53 stv``: ?
21:40.55 qqwertyy: if i cant found
21:41.07 qqwertyy: for example
21:41.13 qqwertyy: in dust2
21:41.21 qqwertyy: there is a wall texture
21:42.07 stv``: and?
21:42.10 qqwertyy: for example sandw.tga
21:42.28 qqwertyy: if i cant find a texture, that looks like sandw.tga,
21:42.39 qqwertyy: i type to google that
21:42.59 qqwertyy: high resolution dirty wall textures
21:43.02 qqwertyy: for example
21:43.08 qqwertyy: and i find a texture
21:43.17 qqwertyy: and open it with gimp
21:43.37 qqwertyy: and adding some effects and change some color
21:43.46 qqwertyy: and our texture is ready
21:43.50 qqwertyy: thats all
21:44.01 qqwertyy: if you want to bump textures
21:44.13 qqwertyy: for example i use crazybump program
21:44.33 qqwertyy: you give to it a texture
21:44.38 qqwertyy: and change values
21:44.44 qqwertyy: after that
21:44.55 qqwertyy: it gives you a bump textures
21:45.18 qqwertyy: and your map seems so real
21:45.27 qqwertyy: the main point is bsp viewer of course
21:45.36 qqwertyy: if you have cs
21:45.41 stv``: lol ok.... and what about fps?
21:45.44 qqwertyy: i can send you this bsp program
21:45.54 stv``: i havent have css
21:45.58 stv``: only cs
21:46.31 qqwertyy: ok, i will send you bsp viewer link
21:47.12 qqwertyy: so, you can understand which textures you can use.
21:47.32 stv``: hm
21:47.32 qqwertyy: and you can modify easily
21:47.49 stv``: how big is the program?
21:49.15 qqwertyy: this is the link
21:49.16 qqwertyy:
http://nemesis.thewavelength.net/index.php?p=4521:49.59 qqwertyy: 3.5mb
21:50.24 stv``: *making forum post* :>
21:50.46 qqwertyy: i cant post it now
21:50.51 qqwertyy: i ve some works
21:50.55 stv``: no prob
21:50.58 stv``: i do it already
21:51.05 stv``: link + what you wrote
21:51.09 qqwertyy: hehe, ok