Hallo hab nem kupel 3URt server aufgesetzt läuft soweit alles ganz gut bis auf b3. Ich kann leider nicht aus dem Log herausfinden wo das Problem liegt.
Ich hab das gefühl irgendwas ist mit Elementtree.
091025 02:49:57 BOT www.BigBrotherBot.com (b3) v1.2.0b [nt] (Daniel)
091025 02:49:57 BOT Python: 2.5.1 (r251:54863, Apr 18 2007, 08:51:08) [MSC v.1310 32 bit (Intel)]
091025 02:49:57 BOT Starting Iourt41Parser server for
091025 02:49:57 BOT --------------------------------------------
091025 02:49:57 BOT Attempting to connect to database mysql://server:******@localhost/b3_ctf...
091025 02:49:57 BOT Connected to database
091025 02:49:57 BOT Game log E:ServerGameserver[URT]CTFq3ut4games.log
091025 02:49:57 BOT Starting bot reading file E:ServerGameserver[URT]CTFq3ut4games.log
091025 02:49:57 BOT Loading Plugin #1 censor [E:ServerGameserver[URT]B3 BotsCTFb3confplugin_censor.xml]
091025 02:49:57 BOT CensorPlugin: Loading config E:ServerGameserver[URT]B3 BotsCTFb3confplugin_censor.xml for CensorPlugin
091025 02:49:57 DEBUG Register Event: Stop Process: CensorPlugin
091025 02:49:57 DEBUG Register Event: Program Exit: CensorPlugin
091025 02:49:57 BOT Plugin censor (2.1.0 - ThorN) loaded
091025 02:49:57 BOT Loading Plugin #2 spamcontrol [E:ServerGameserver[URT]B3 BotsCTFb3confplugin_spamcontrol.xml]
091025 02:49:57 BOT SpamcontrolPlugin: Loading config E:ServerGameserver[URT]B3 BotsCTFb3confplugin_spamcontrol.xml for SpamcontrolPlugin
091025 02:49:57 DEBUG Register Event: Stop Process: SpamcontrolPlugin
091025 02:49:57 DEBUG Register Event: Program Exit: SpamcontrolPlugin
091025 02:49:57 BOT Plugin spamcontrol (1.1.2 - ThorN) loaded
091025 02:49:57 BOT Loading Plugin #3 admin [E:ServerGameserver[URT]B3 BotsCTFb3confplugin_admin.xml]
091025 02:49:57 BOT AdminPlugin: Loading config E:ServerGameserver[URT]B3 BotsCTFb3confplugin_admin.xml for AdminPlugin
091025 02:49:57 DEBUG Register Event: Stop Process: AdminPlugin
091025 02:49:57 DEBUG Register Event: Program Exit: AdminPlugin
091025 02:49:57 BOT Plugin admin (1.4.3 - ThorN) loaded
091025 02:49:57 BOT Loading Plugin #4 tk [E:ServerGameserver[URT]B3 BotsCTFb3confplugin_tk.xml]
091025 02:49:57 BOT TkPlugin: Loading config E:ServerGameserver[URT]B3 BotsCTFb3confplugin_tk.xml for TkPlugin
091025 02:49:57 DEBUG TkPlugin: tk max level is 40
091025 02:49:57 DEBUG TkPlugin: Send messages privately ? True
091025 02:49:57 DEBUG Register Event: Stop Process: TkPlugin
091025 02:49:57 DEBUG Register Event: Program Exit: TkPlugin
091025 02:49:57 BOT Plugin tk (1.2.2 - ThorN) loaded
091025 02:49:57 BOT Loading Plugin #5 stats [E:ServerGameserver[URT]B3 BotsCTFb3confplugin_stats.xml]
091025 02:49:57 BOT StatsPlugin: Loading config E:ServerGameserver[URT]B3 BotsCTFb3confplugin_stats.xml for StatsPlugin
091025 02:49:57 DEBUG AdminPlugin: Command "mapstats (mstats)" registered with cmd_mapstats for level (1, 100)
091025 02:49:57 DEBUG AdminPlugin: Command "testscore (ts)" registered with cmd_testscore for level (1, 100)
091025 02:49:57 DEBUG AdminPlugin: Command "topstats (tstats)" registered with cmd_topstats for level (9, 100)
091025 02:49:57 DEBUG Register Event: Stop Process: StatsPlugin
091025 02:49:57 DEBUG Register Event: Program Exit: StatsPlugin
091025 02:49:57 BOT Plugin stats (1.2.3 - ThorN) loaded
091025 02:49:57 BOT Loading Plugin #6 pingwatch [E:ServerGameserver[URT]B3 BotsCTFb3confplugin_pingwatch.xml]
091025 02:49:57 BOT PingwatchPlugin: Loading config E:ServerGameserver[URT]B3 BotsCTFb3confplugin_pingwatch.xml for PingwatchPlugin
091025 02:49:57 VERBOSE Added crontab <bound method PingwatchPlugin.check of <b3.plugins.pingwatch.PingwatchPlugin instance at 0x02BDB148>> (45998480) - [0, 30]s -1m -1h -1d -1M -1DOW
091025 02:49:57 DEBUG Register Event: Stop Process: PingwatchPlugin
091025 02:49:57 DEBUG Register Event: Program Exit: PingwatchPlugin
091025 02:49:57 BOT Plugin pingwatch (1.1.4 - ThorN) loaded
091025 02:49:57 BOT Loading Plugin #7 adv [E:ServerGameserver[URT]B3 BotsCTFb3confplugin_adv.xml]
091025 02:49:57 BOT AdvPlugin: Loading config E:ServerGameserver[URT]B3 BotsCTFb3confplugin_adv.xml for AdvPlugin
091025 02:49:57 CRITICAL Error loading plugin: not well-formed (invalid token): line 10, column 25
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "E:ServerGameserver[URT]B3 BotsCTFb3parser.py", line 386, in loadPlugins
self._plugins[p] = getattr(pluginModule, '%sPlugin' % p.title())(self, conf)
File "E:ServerGameserver[URT]B3 BotsCTFb3plugin.py", line 43, in __init__
File "E:ServerGameserver[URT]B3 BotsCTFb3plugin.py", line 76, in loadConfig
self.config = b3.config.load(fileName)
File "E:ServerGameserver[URT]B3 BotsCTFb3config.py", line 232, in load
if config.load(fileName):
File "E:ServerGameserver[URT]B3 BotsCTFb3config.py", line 165, in load
File "E:ServerGameserver[URT]B3 BotsCTFb3config.py", line 60, in readfp
self._xml = ElementTree.parse(fp)
File "C:Python25libsite-packageselementtreeElementTree.py", line 859, in parse
tree.parse(source, parser)
File "C:Python25libsite-packageselementtreeElementTree.py", line 583, in parse
File "C:Python25libsite-packageselementtreeElementTree.py", line 1242, in feed
self._parser.Parse(data, 0)
ExpatError: not well-formed (invalid token): line 10, column 25