ok, memo* aka GhostSoul is back...
i had a lot of stress, was in jail 3 times, sick, and many psychical probs btw. and im alcaholic -> but thats not the thema

most of them what i wanna say i for wurst but i hope u all get intrested...
as first, TeamSpeakServer... u got one on dswp.de? tonight i gave out mine in the server and many peoples were happy!!!
we just need 2 say the adress in welcometag and on the page and im sure many peoples will use that.. maybe we make language channels..
that should be enuff... btw. wursti have to proof that!
second is, i want 2 make a side.. what i need is
- ideas with what we make the side (script, fully writed, php, html, flash...........?)
- peoples they can write me scripts (i'll would say what i need and we look if is possible)
- peoples they are good with graphic things (photoshop, maybe flash or java?)
- the data and an sql entry for the server from wursti 2 test...
third part is a second server... in other post i speaked about it... it would be great and would make us more popular!!
forth is we need some downloads, nothing illegal... i mean, the io4.1mod, some maps and so on... if peoples look into google they will find us cuz things about this... and we will have not 40 member, we will have 400 soon...
what was always funny by ActofWar (R.i.P.) they made a server for a weekend with only one map - and the map was always a new one... maybe we can 2 something else? maps like runtfest or forrest...?
just my ideas..
what i also think is we have 2 sort the forum... we should have small talk language channels for peoples who cant speak german or english as usual... same likes up...?
and i think we would need some usual download(links) like TS, mIRC, quaketools etc.
well, ive got about 40 fever and will chill back 2 bed now

hope my m8s here think its good what i wrote and give many feedbacks
in love, ghosti
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