It's quite nerdy, but the most important thing is probably that you don't have the rights to do reverse engineering on it. Actually I only *think*, since theses files are released under the "Quake 3 SDK license", which I never managed to find... On UrT FAQ : "Urban Terror is a mod for Quake 3 Arena. Urban Terror can be freely distributed over the internet, unmodified, without charging for the product. Urban Terror uses the Quake 3 SDK license. This means the game code (the .qvm's in zpak000.pk3) are closed source and can only be distributed electronically over the internet, not on cd or dvd. "
FAQ doesn't forbid people to modify it as long as you don't distribute it...
What do you want, unlimited stamina, multiple primary weapons ?
"We are talking about computers here, compared to those I can read women like a book ;P"