No, plz don't change autokick!!!!
I realy h8 when i stay in some place and shoot (like train in subway, tunel on abbey, on crossing several places etc) about 30s, then come a smart gay and shoot thru me, and take half of my health or kill me. Or when ppls drop HE grenades random, without any reason or any check if there some teammates or not. Very often happens that i run to take some good position, about 10s of run and jumps, then i see HE G. how fly over my head and fall in front of me

. Sometimes on one map, my teammates kill me 4-5-6 times. In that case, i don't forgive becouse ppls must learn how to play and respect all of us. I know that everybody can mistake, we are not robots, but some limits must exist. Once is coincidence, but 3 kills not.
I don't remmember when is the last time that i get kicked for TK, also many permanent players on this server.
On some servers friendlyfire is off so play there
Sorry for bad english