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Pro or cheater?
Pro 56%  56%  [ 5 ]
Uncertain 22%  22%  [ 2 ]
Cheater 22%  22%  [ 2 ]
Total votes : 9
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PostPosted: 10.25.08 
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Joined: 07.24.08
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nick: [dswp]xtj7
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Just to say this beforehand:
I do not think that this player cheats, at least not any kind of aimbot. However, some people talk about a mysterious new bot, which I never heard of until now and which they don't actually seem to know, as they cannot even name it. Many people do not only say he is cheating, but as well it is a new bot.
As that happened quite a lot, I wanted to put on few longer demos to analyze by all of you. Please tell me your opinions and if there is a new bot that is really capable of avoiding point aiming and working like a pro, let me know.
That would dramatically change everything though, so I really hope such a bot does not exist, otherwise any pro-player would become a suspect and it would be close to impossible to tell exceptional players and cheaters apart. His movements aren't sloppy, he knows the maps, he jumps exactly, he does mistakes although little mistakes and he is not using brute force, but tactic to kill as many people as possible.

Whatever, please watch the demos, analyze them and tell me what you think. My point is, it is unlikely he does cheat, at least not any kind of aimbot. Possible but hard to tell would be: auto-shoot or wallhack. Although I myself do not think it is one of that either. There is a possibility though.
Watch: [+]Dr.Acula[+]

Pro or cheater?

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<XTJ7> !penis
<CuntBot> XTJ7, your penis is 23.3 cm long. 8=========D
<XTJ7> !8ball do i rock?
<CuntBot> XTJ7: OH YEAH !
<BEH> !8ball you lieing too?
<CuntBot> BEH: Totally not.
<BEH> -_-''


PostPosted: 10.25.08 
his mouse control is totally uber. no question with that.
also his reflexes. and his aim in general. (u see that when he moves around and aims at corners... no bot can aim like that)
to mention his hearing: headset-user most probably, or 5.1. u cant be like him without regular speakers, no matter what u try or tweak.
also take into consideration that he may be using teamspeak with his dr. friends.

he is a monster, he does not bot, nor does he use autoshoot. he does not seem to shoot with the trigger pressed, but with fast single clicks. (may be wrong, but it seems at times like that.)

but as soon as u watch his demos normal once and then with /r_shownormals 1 ... either all happy accidents or what?
i know stuff happens, but it's not possible for a single person to be lucky like almost everytime.
(if u shoot earlier than your opponent, u got the biggest advantage in urt... only if you shoot earlier, it does not feel like ""HITZ!!!!1111einseinseins"" all the time. as mister acula is lightning fast it's no wonder why he has got a good kill ratio. but it's _really_ questionable, the more u look at his demos. well, i dont wanna start a witch hunt, though..)

i'm reallly uncertain, but my shot is you gotta watch out for wallhack.


Last edited by SteveMcqueen on 10.27.08, edited 1 time in total.

PostPosted: 10.25.08 
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I was playing against him (THIS_IS_SPARTA!).

I saw all the Uptown demo, and my conclusion is that he doesn´t cheat... but it´s just that I see in the demo with my eyes :mrgreen: (I don´t know any new aimbot or wallhack version and I don´t worry in searching for cheats in games too :P ), so i choose the uncertain option.

He must using the teamspeak like SteveMcqueen said, because his other friend, Dr House, is almost behind it for bandage. Acula is somewhat a mixture of luck/tactical guy but also he moves very well (fast and precise). And about the aim, I think that i saw somewhat better in another guy that usually plays in this server.

Just my opinion. Cheers.


PostPosted: 10.25.08 
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I was looking XLRstats, he can't be found there, but on Dingo writes it's his alias, and Dingo is #1 player. So i think he's just pro. Very pro. Very very pro.



PostPosted: 11.18.08 
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I also saw demo and i think that he is not cheater. I think he is good player who play tactical and precisely. Probably they operate tactis, traning (jump. movement and aiming), share their experience... I does that all the time when i had my Counter Strike clan. U can there shoot enemy through the wall, and we traning where we 2 shot if they are camping there, where are bugs, how throw flash bomb (over the wall) 2 blind everybody behind, who rush who wait and take cover... etc. also they must use the teamspeak.
If someone play Counter Strike they know what i think....
And i was only with sniper in my clan, so i got skill with this weapon!!!!



PostPosted: 11.18.08 
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i know him, he play in national frenchteam... sure no cheat - just pure skill

if some1 would see him with cheat, he never can play in league again!!

wer lesen kann ist nur im vorteil, wenn er die worte auch versteht

Kill'em all, let GOD sort them out!


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