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PostPosted: 08.23.09 
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Joined: 08.22.09
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Hi all!

I was wondering what combination of gear you prefer. After browsing through the different stats here, I decided to exchange my loyal M4 for a LR300 as my allround weapon.

The items I always got on me are the bulletproof vest and medkit. The medkit is there to compensate for my lame shooting skills, and still be a help to my team members ; - )

In my hand weapon holster I got a Magnum Dessert Eagle , the recoil just rocks and I prefer the extra power over the two extra rounds as in the Beretta.

When a level comes up with requires some longer range accuracy, I pick up a H&K G36 because of its 2x scope and use a H&K MP5 to clear rooms.

Normally, I turn to my new LR300 with a laser. I wonder if weapon is gonna handle me better. :oops:

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PostPosted: 08.23.09 
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My _usual_ gear is:
LR300, DE as weapons, medikit, laser and helmet*.
Now, i like to test weapons, and play with other weapons, i often use sr8, and SPAS, and i can scitch to baretta anytime.
About other things, medikit is only thing i always have. Sometimes i use laser and silencer, sometimes kevlar and helmet (that's sometimes when i'm knifing and/or dmmh is playing on opposite team), sometimes laser and helmet, sometimes silencer and helmet.

Yet, i don't have favorite combination, since i like to play with all weapons (you can check my stats to see my weapons).

And yeah, i always have knifes x5 :lol:
Best advice: when you see me or dmmh (or svarox, but he's "inactive" lately) knifing, put helmet on. I won't explain why.



PostPosted: 08.23.09 
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Try out different stuff and see what suits _your_ style. See what combination get _you_ better score if you're a stat whore, or which combination is more fun to _you_ if you play for fun (like I do).

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PostPosted: 08.23.09 
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I have two gears. Depends on the map i play.

First one is Sr8, Mp5K and berreta (want to get steve in stats with berreta :D). Wearing Helmet and using Nades.

Second gear ist M4, Berreta, Helmet, Laser and Nades.

The second gear is much more for the fun. I often play Pistol only at the moment and use the M4 as "secondary" :D



Last edited by HumppaLakki on 08.24.09, edited 1 time in total.

PostPosted: 08.23.09 
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i usually use kevler helm and vest, medkit (use it quite often), ZM LR-300 and deagle.


PostPosted: 08.24.09 
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I switch gear pretty much every map.

My favorite setup though is: LR300+silencer+laser.
The most accurate combination there is, it friggin pwns! If I use this, I wear kevlar and as sidearm DE and I puckup nades and a secondary which happens to be lying around ;)

But since I am knifing a lot lately, I mostly use LR300+UMP45+helmet+DE, no kevlar, to gain extra speed :D
Or instead of LR300 SR8, depending on the map :-)

beware of aimme yes :D

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PostPosted: 08.24.09 
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recently i switched from full weapon equipment to protection gear.
that makes me try out other weapons...



PostPosted: 08.24.09 
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fav: Sr-8/DE/Helmet/Medkit and nades/laser. But you can't use it like that with so many people, I use the UMP on the TDM server or lately I'm playing a lot with automatic weapons (a lot easier with so many people). Always medkit, once in a while Kevlar (quite rare, and less fun to jump around).

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PostPosted: 08.24.09 
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I normally wear:

    G36 + additional magazins (I tend to reload very often) (G36 is for me optimal choice: assault rifle with scope, good for fast attacks and also for some sniper action, I can even compete sometimes with SR8 because I can use scope with automatic fire. I made almost 80% of all my frags with G36 so far and I am after Zebra 2nd with G36)
    DesertEagle (when G36 is out of Ammu, I have no time to reload and I can't just run away)
    MedKit (I have it since Steve opened the Top Medics topic and I realized the advantages)
    Kevlar (some protection is always good)

On tight maps like Turnpike or if just need more piercing force for rushing I switch to M4.

Sometimes I change to SR8 and MP5 on larger maps.

And what I learned from this topic so far:
    I should use Helmet when Dmmh, AimMe and SvaRoX go crazy with their knives.
    I will try LR300 with Laser and Silencer, perhaps it brings my ratio back to a level above 1.50...



PostPosted: 08.24.09 
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dmmh wrote:
I switch gear pretty much every map.

My favorite setup though is: LR300+silencer+laser.
The most accurate combination there is, it friggin pwns! If I use this, I wear kevlar and as sidearm DE and I puckup nades and a secondary which happens to be lying around ;)

But since I am knifing a lot lately, I mostly use LR300+UMP45+helmet+DE, no kevlar, to gain extra speed :D
Or instead of LR300 SR8, depending on the map :-)

beware of aimme yes :D

Lol, all YOU need is helmet :) Crazy...
BTW what happened with Jack?? I think he's still better than dmmh, why? Look he's score, he has nearly half of dmmh's kills. But deaths with knife? He has 33 (ratio 135.12), dmmh has 845 (raio 10.47).

LR300 with laser and silencer quite rox, but when there are lots of players on all sides, and tons of sounds, silencer become quite useless, just slows down fire.
I don't like kevlar much because of its speed, i mean my speed when running with it.
But DE is so much weaker without laser, i think i nearly always have laser.



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