i suck enough to get kicked about once per day 4 tk. saying sry doesnt help. mediccing harder doesnt help.
i like uncle's suggestion. but from experience i know that the most simple concept can result in the most messy code and implementation

is the !functionality provided by b3? is it scriptable/customizable enough for auto-forgive?
i'm sure auto-kick is much better than tk-orgies (i experience it every time i get kicked and am forced to play on one of those crappy non-wurst servers

). however the kick-system really fails often. i'd argue it pisses off 10* more nice people than it kicks assholes. well you could argue it keeps away noobs. but if that's a goal of it, increasing slot numbers is very counterproductive.
as xtj7 said, one of the main reasons for "false positivses" (= autokick of non-assholes) is the lack of knowledge about the !forgivestuff (especially !fp, being the most useful one imo). can you display private !bigtexts? if so, a bigtext could could read:
"extraW just killed you. He will be kicked (if you dont type !fp)"
thanks for the great wurst-services

!ps: !gp would be a nice command...