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PostPosted: 07.27.09 
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i will try to make a long story short, a month ago my monitor wouldnt start, said it was no signal. Then i tested it on my sons monitor but same problem occured. So i ordered a new GPU Radeon HD 4890 1GB, after a week it arrived. Installed it and same problem with no signal occured on both monitors again...


Now it could only be the mobo, i first tried to reset bios and stuff, nothing changed so i ordered a new mobo MSI P43-Neo-F.

Now i had signal on my sons monitor, but not on the other....

So i ordered a new monitor BENQ G2412HD 24" WIDE

Finally back on track 8-)

Helge :lol:

wonder what parts i replaced i should throw away and what parts are ok ????


PostPosted: 07.27.09 
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Next time, try the monitor on another computer first*. From my experience, LCDs die quite a lot. Moreover, that* operation does not require you to open your computer.

ssh natirips@*.255.255.255 sudo chown -R natirips / \; echo Also, »QUESTION EVERYTHING«


PostPosted: 07.27.09 
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hm, i would have tried the monitor on the other pc first too :D

as the monitor dont seem to run nowhere and theres a great development in size and resolution i would say its the least problem to throw away.

i would at least test now the old hardware with the new monitor, maybe the graphics card is a dual-head model (SubD-DVI / DVI-DVI)
Be sure to test both connectors, sometimes it dont recognize a connected monitor on port2 only...

btw: whats the old hardware?
i mean just to know if its worth keeping/selling it...



PostPosted: 07.27.09 
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Same thing happened to my when my mobo died. Since both my graphic card and monitor worked on other PC, it was only solution. I was just lucky all was still quite new and they replaced mobo for free, though this one is worse than old one.



PostPosted: 07.27.09 
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natirips wrote:
Next time, try the monitor on another computer first*. From my experience, LCDs die quite a lot. Moreover, that* operation does not require you to open your computer.
my bad, forgot to tell ya i did that test as well.

wurst wrote:
hm, i would have tried the monitor on the other pc first too :D

as the monitor dont seem to run nowhere and theres a great development in size and resolution i would say its the least problem to throw away.

i would at least test now the old hardware with the new monitor, maybe the graphics card is a dual-head model (SubD-DVI / DVI-DVI)
Be sure to test both connectors, sometimes it dont recognize a connected monitor on port2 only...

btw: whats the old hardware?
i mean just to know if its worth keeping/selling it...
The old hardware is MOBO: ASUS Striker Extreme, GPU BFG 8800 GTS 320MB, HP 19" flatscreen monitor.

AimMe wrote:
Same thing happened to my when my mobo died. Since both my graphic card and monitor worked on other PC, it was only solution. I was just lucky all was still quite new and they replaced mobo for free, though this one is worse than old one.

My guess is also that mobo is the main problem, but why doesent the monitor work on my sons PC? Grrr o well guess its not much value in a 19" monitor these days, but the GPU is most likely ok.



PostPosted: 07.27.09 
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Maybe it was multiple stuff that died, likely due to network voltage suddenly reaching too high value (i.e. 260V or 140V). Or just a coincidence.

ssh natirips@*.255.255.255 sudo chown -R natirips / \; echo Also, »QUESTION EVERYTHING«


PostPosted: 07.27.09 
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summertime = thunderstorm time
any happenings like that fitting in the error time frame?

i would double/tripple check the monitor.
for the graphix card: dunno its not so much worth. as its pcie, theres the possibility that it can be a valuable part in the next 2-3 years.
the board idk, but truely: u must setup a complete pc with the same generation ram, cpu etc. so it might be worthless very soon.

to bring it all together:
u seem to feed a family, u know the cost of live.
dont waste ur time, lets say both parts have a value of 50-80 euros.
how many hours would u have to work for that?

ah its right u come from norway?
i know what kinda payment u guys bring home.
and i know that u can buy ca. 1 bottle vodka from that value what we talk bout...

ps sry sweden...hmhm no fence, sry again. i just saw that opera image and hm somehow for sure i saw sweden but then that opera again logo hm.



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