As much i understand this whole thing with google translator: UTr will be for 18+, right?
As for currnet version wikipeda says:
OFLC: MA15+[citation needed]
SELL: 16+[citation needed]
ELSPA: 15+[citation needed]
So i can play it, since i'm 16.
Samtron wrote:
wurst wrote:
ihr müsst mir bald alle eure persos mit den schäbigen fotos drin zufaxen
Wäre dumm, weil AimMe dann mindestens ein Jahr warten müsste, bis er wieder mitspielen darf.

But who cares if it would be 18+. I've played 18+ games, and i've played 15+ games since i was 12.
wurst wrote:
au mist, schlechte fälschung

This i would agree. In croatia they aren't checking what am i playing, or what i'm doing on my PC. Mot are my parents.
BTW: Looks like i'll have to learn German... Maybe next year i'll learn as much i can.