ah in fact grobari are mine girls favorite team. she bought the shirt on some market somewhere in vojovodina i think, dunno rly...
im in fact from germany, mine wife comes from serbia.
i met her in q3 some jears ago, she was furious player @ teh faxmodem, now shes far ahead of me.
i think the crisis all over balcan sports have much to do sure with political, economical and criminal facts and everything.
compared with how strong they were in war times: uff, cool, they relax a bit
i mean serbs won usa in basketball world championship back in 1999. thats some...
in the end theres a nice thing too: sport is what is meant about going out, get better, compare, sure to meet people.
here in germany it has more to do with beer and tv shows. sure its 1A sport. but its not very sportive.
Ah, btw: mine one and only successfull appearance in football was in fact in the army.
there was football bundesliga bet with 150 kollegolas, everyone gave 2 marka. Every week.
the winner got it all in the end.
i allways did my tip veeeery late, counting all averages from the prior guys. with success.
after i worked out a better scheme with counting the winners double/tripple etc.
in the end i won a lot of money, but less then a football profi gets in 1 game.
guys hated me from the day on when i told them. Before they thought im reallyreally impressive guy.