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 Post subject: Admin too sensible
PostPosted: 07.02.09 

Joined: 06.22.09
Posts: 9
Just kicked me, "PadreBrowning", from wurst.

Console said: dont camp

Camp NOT exist

Playing on roof with psg: console "dont camp!"
That was a large map, and i was playing on roof exactly like
with a dswp member some days ago.

Then playing near well behind a wall with psg for defense
Console: "dont camp!"

I wrote: "I'm not camping"


Camping is obsolete concept.

Admin too sensible for his statistics.

If you want another game mode, use small map o play tetris.




 Post subject: Re: Admin too sensible
PostPosted: 07.02.09 
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I warned you cause you camped behind corners in Kingdom. I warned you 4(!!!) times for that cause i wont kick you. After 4 warning you got kicked by B3 Bot for too many warnings. Just respect the rules and camp behind corners is just no fun to play for all.

Btw. The teams were very unbalanced at this time cause everbody was camping so i decide to warn the campers just to bring back the teambalance and the fun to the game.

And when Admin says something just respect the rules. Most of us cant really enjoy the game cause of Teamkills, Cheaters and some other idiots. And we dont want discuss every little Problem. If we say dont camp, dont camp. So simple!



 Post subject: Re: Admin too sensible
PostPosted: 07.02.09 

Joined: 06.22.09
Posts: 9
HumppaLakki wrote:
I warned you cause you camped behind corners in Kingdom. I warned you 4(!!!) times for that cause i wont kick you. After 4 warning you got kicked by B3 Bot for too many warnings. Just respect the rules and camp behind corners is just no fun to play for all.

Btw. The teams were very unbalanced at this time cause everbody was camping so i decide to warn the campers just to bring back the teambalance and the fun to the game.

And when Admin says something just respect the rules. Most of us cant really enjoy the game cause of Teamkills, Cheaters and some other idiots. And we dont want discuss every little Problem. If we say dont camp, dont camp. So simple!

- Warn+kick for camp never seen anywhere
There are 100 mode to kill a camper (with psg LOL)

- Teams are always (almost) unbal.

- You decide? If it's not my day with auto i cant run with psg for your fun.
I repeat: I was playing the same mode as a dswp member days ago.

- Admin is not god.

- Im not "other idiots".

Besides I discovered to be banned on other servers. Donnow if this fact is related.

Sorry to say all that.




 Post subject: Re: Admin too sensible
PostPosted: 07.02.09 
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nick: Make.Them.Fluffy
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you see it here first. And if i see a camper on the same position every time i warn him for camp. you did that, and that more than one time so you got warnend and after 4!!!! warnings you got tempbanned for 8min. Live with it.

Admin is not god, but we have to make desicissions. And its our "job" to handle the sever and we make the rules that everyone has fun to play on the server. Btw. im not the only one who is pissed by all this campers in some maps.

Teams are always (almost) unbal.? As i sad befor, if an admin is there we wants to take care that the teams are balanced and we have to decide how we do that cause the !shuffleteam command is unfortunately a little bit buged.

and btw.
I dident meant you with "other idiots".



 Post subject: Re: Admin too sensible
PostPosted: 07.02.09 
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justforfun wrote:
- Warn+kick for camp never seen anywhere
There are 100 mode to kill a camper (with psg LOL)

I've seen it and done it. Camping is no fun, no skill, just destroying gameplay.
And in kingdom it's very hard to kill camper behind corners, Especially with psg.
justforfun wrote:
- Teams are always (almost) unbal.

Not really. In most cases (at least when i'm online) there is less than 50 kills difference. Else i'll try to do something.

justforfun wrote:
- You decide? If it's not my day with auto i cant run with psg for your fun.
I repeat: I was playing the same mode as a dswp member days ago.

Admins do what they think is best for server. I've never seen admin on our server doing for his fun. Probably you saw Unclefragger, he's just training with sr8 a bit, but he's sniping not camping.
And is your score more important than gameplay?

justforfun wrote:
- Admin is not god.

No but he can do what he wants until chief (wurst) remove him from duty.

justforfun wrote:
Besides I discovered to be banned on other servers. Donnow if this fact is related.

Other servers aren't connected with us, only [dswp] best serwer.
BTW: I've seen you camp in uptown, standing on same place for few minutes, only your head was out and you were aiming at same place. That's camping! It's different than having sr8, moving at some place and killing enemies with using "hide & seek".

And one more thing, fighting with admins because of their deeds is more than stupid. You won't get anything by that. Only some admins can remember you.



 Post subject: Re: Admin too sensible
PostPosted: 07.02.09 
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nick: Make.Them.Fluffy
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thx aimme.
Nothing more to say i guess!



 Post subject: Re: Admin too sensible
PostPosted: 07.02.09 
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Posts: 1134
consider yourself lucky you ran into humppa, if I warn somebody and he doesn't listen, I ban for one day. Goodbye.

not camping is one of the rules of this server you must obey (rule nr 8 I think).
If you don't like it, there's plenty of other servers out there you can play.

My view on the server is that it's a TDM server for the more skilled players.
Lotsa TDM servers are crowded with ultranoobs, who tend not to move/ camp and tk a lot.

If you don't like it, just find another server...*shrug*

the meaning of the word cunt....loool



 Post subject: Re: Admin too sensible
PostPosted: 07.02.09 
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hm, he really said u 4 times and he really didnt mean it bad.
please dont camp so much that the game gets shitty, understand that this server is very big and that teams can unbalance that way that the opponent cant leave the spawn.

heres btw humppas warnings:
kicking.png [ 11.99 KiB | Viewed 8365 times ]



 Post subject: Re: Admin too sensible
PostPosted: 07.02.09 
Ingame Mod
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imo kick/ban for playstyle at public server is misunderstanding....

there is always other way u can go and then put a knife in a back of camper...

u can !spank him...

where are all those kicks when it comes to play riyadh....




 Post subject: Re: Admin too sensible
PostPosted: 07.02.09 
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Joined: 01.19.09
Posts: 1134
welll standing in the corner at spawn covering doorways and simply not moving and that on every map in the cycle where it's possible....nah, that just doesnt cut it

the meaning of the word cunt....loool



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