Oki guys, maybe u seen it allready.
Theres nationalflags within the stats somehow:
national_wurst.png [ 24.12 KiB | Viewed 7783 times ]
So WTF? Are we nationalists now?
No, sure no but the machine collect the data by using php geoip extension in combination with maxmind geoip files.
SvaRox coded a B3 plugin for that, on connect the Players get located.
I made a little Import to locate all the 94.000 clients that were in DB before.
Everythings done, so allmost all users have a Localisation.
1.) Show the visitor on the stats the Distance to the Player hes just watching (maybe nice for making friendship)
2.) Find a senseful way to allow users remove their Flag and/or Localisation Info (Privacy/Political Reasons...)
the plugin has some ingame options, for sure svarox can inform u and/or zip it somewhere...