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 Post subject: Admin rights
PostPosted: 06.20.09 
Ingame Mod
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I just noticed a orange dot beside my name on dtm stats, when I clicked it it says "This users can Temp ban and Kick in Gameservers :)
its the regular ingame admin group, members can avoid the wurst".

First I have to say that I'm really flattered by this :mrgreen: But could someone tell me how to use the admin commands or write a small faq about it? :o I'll prolly end up banning myself otherwise lol...

Oh, and why does the red dot on the tdm stats lead to google search :o



 Post subject: Re: Admin rights
PostPosted: 06.20.09 
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Assuming I'm on the server ([dswp]XTJ7) and another user called extreme

!kick xtj7
would kick me from the server

!kick xt
finds 2 users ([dswp]XTJ7 and extreme) and gives you the ids of the found users, so you can use the id in green behind the user instead, to make it clear which user to kick

!kick 5
if i have the id 5, then this will kick me

!tempban xtj7 1d tk
kicks the user because of teamkill
this command is the most complicated one because of its 3 parameters, most higher level admins use !ban instead because it just requires 2 parameters and is simpler to use :P you cannot ban persons using the !ban command with your level though

!tempban <user> <duration> <reason>
the user can be an id or a part of the username again
the duration can be 30m (30 minutes) 1h (one hour), 2h (two hours) and so on or
1d (1 day) etc. - although i think it is limited to 2 days or something at your admin level.
the reason can be any one you like, b3 knows a few shortcuts though which it will translate when kicking, for example: tk (don't teamkill) and idle (idle too long)

shows the admins currently online and their respective admin levels

!find xtj7
returns my user id which you can then use in console, for example for following me ("/follow 5" in console follows the user with the id 5)

!bigtext blaaa
writes blaaa in bigtext all over the screen

!say blubb
says blubb with your username from the console, helpful when you want to write something while being spectator and dont want to use bigtext (which often distracts players)

!warn <user> <reason>
adds a warning to a user with a given reason, takes as well shortcuts like "tk". if a user collects too many warnings, b3 will kick him.

and as always: dont be too strict, dont kick people randomly, b3 handles most things quite well, so you will only need to kick or ban people that repeatedly or purposely (spectate them via /follow) teamkill or use cheats like aimbot. if youre not sure whether they use aimbot or not, make a demo of them, we can ban them via the echelon interface even when they are not online afterwards.
if you encounter a wallhacker and its not obvious (probably the most difficult thing to spectate, so wallhacking is rarely obvious) the same thing applies as to aimbotters you are not sure of.
whenever you have to state a reason, try to give a reason that makes sense, because we might need to check why that user was banned later on if he comes here to complain that he was banned. mostly itll be tk.
mh, i think thats it so far :)
if you have further questions, feel free.

<XTJ7> !penis
<CuntBot> XTJ7, your penis is 23.3 cm long. 8=========D
<XTJ7> !8ball do i rock?
<CuntBot> XTJ7: OH YEAH !
<BEH> !8ball you lieing too?
<CuntBot> BEH: Totally not.
<BEH> -_-''


 Post subject: Re: Admin rights
PostPosted: 06.21.09 
Ingame Mod
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Joined: 03.03.09
Posts: 436
Location: Finland
Cheers, this helped a lot ! :D



 Post subject: Re: Admin rights
PostPosted: 06.21.09 
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Posts: 1972
As a former B3 moderator, I can tell you that the only thing you won't be able to do is the !bigtext, not much important though... I found another way to fill player's screen by developing the knife plugin :D

"We are talking about computers here, compared to those I can read women like a book ;P"


 Post subject: Re: Admin rights
PostPosted: 06.21.09 
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your actions get logged... :o :D

here again a simple figure that describe the job:
(we must allow bigtext for moderators...)

th_avatar.gif [ 424.63 KiB | Viewed 6596 times ]


 Post subject: Re: Admin rights
PostPosted: 06.21.09 
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And yeah, if there is some namebot (guy who's constantly changing names of some other players) you can use !list (not sure if mod has it, should have) to get id from all players on sever. It can be tough, but sometimes only way to kick/ban somebody.

Don't try to kick somebody whose name begins with number with shot name, jut use his id. Let's say somebody's name is "4ever" if you write "!kick 4ev tk" b3 will kick guy with id 4. So find him with !list and kick using his id.

And you can always use !help to see all available commands, or !help <command> to get its explanation.



 Post subject: Re: Admin rights
PostPosted: 06.21.09 
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nice pic :lol:

a faster way to get the players act. id is to use the /playerlist cmd in console...with this you don't have to wait for b3 ;)



 Post subject: Re: Admin rights
PostPosted: 06.21.09 
Ingame Mod
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Joined: 03.16.09
Posts: 229
Nice guide, I guess I really need to use the !warn command more so than the !kick command for things like deliberate teamkilling, that way three warnings will set off an automatic B3 kick.

Also kicking idle players is useful to get the server full of active players because at times it can be hard to join the server, and when you do it's typical to see a few afk players so I'll be on the lookout for these things when the server fills.

Also that !list command sounds very handy as some names can be quite a handful to type with various combinations of capitals and numbers etc.


 Post subject: Re: Admin rights
PostPosted: 06.21.09 
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nick: [dswp]GewitterOma
skill: 812.172
kills: 3885
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ah u can use /playerlist to get the playernumber directly from server...



 Post subject: Re: Admin rights
PostPosted: 06.22.09 
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hmm maybe those hints can help as well:
first, as already recommended twice, use /playerlist instead of !list, it's a lot faster, doesn't block the bot and you can read it better as well. If you are suspecting that someone is cheating and you want to spectate him, don't cycle through, use /playerlist and /follow <number> (or <name> if it's short and easy to type. Also there came some useful aliases with the new b3 version, I only have two in my mind right now but they reaaaally are helpful. First !! is the same as !say and more importantly and helpful: instead of !tempban one can use !tb

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