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 Post subject: UrT HD / UE4
PostPosted: 03.05.15 
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Shit just got real.
This might just be very very cool.

Btw. I played around with UE3 a few years ago. It was cool - this will probably be so too. :)


 Post subject: Re: UrT HD / UE4
PostPosted: 03.05.15 
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Yup, thinking on making some map... thinking :D


 Post subject: Re: UrT HD / UE4
PostPosted: 03.06.15 
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i will make a map (i hope) :D


 Post subject: Re: UrT HD / UE4
PostPosted: 03.06.15 
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hope *nix client is there on release cause else i cant play (:



 Post subject: Re: UrT HD / UE4
PostPosted: 03.07.15 
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Currently I am just "test mapping". Made some rough sketches and trying to get me a similar result in UE4 - aaand I must say: The work flow with blender to quickly create models (especially in an architectural sens) is great. As long as you stick with creating and using materials inside of UE4 it works great. UV Mapping inside of blender and exporting should work fine to, though I have not tried that yet.


 Post subject: Re: UrT HD / UE4
PostPosted: 03.08.15 
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zietsh wrote:
One and the only* program I ever came across that I utterly cannot use for (any of) it's intended or unintended purpose(s) whatsoever. I just can't figure it out.

This could be the end of my UrT mapping. Unless they make a radiant2unreal map converter.

*Not counting vaporware (which is actually designed to not have a purpose and not be usable in any way).


 Post subject: Re: UrT HD / UE4
PostPosted: 03.08.15 
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Well there is a way to convert maps to UE4 but its a bit more work than just executing a binary.

If you have not worked with blender before you might as well just stick to working with brushes (which is possible in UE4).
But it is (in my opinion) a big bonus that you can make somewhat complexer models quickly in blender and import them to UE4, where as with gtk I ran in a lot of problems/hassles as the md3 exporting basically was outdated with each update and I'd have to keep an older version of Blender installed besides the newest stable one to work with gtk. Which in return meant that the little differences in the usability/UI were a pain in the a**.


 Post subject: Re: UrT HD / UE4
PostPosted: 03.08.15 
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Might be helpful for some, although for me the right scale seems to be 0.1 not 0.01 (but the rest of the Internet tells me otherwise). :?


 Post subject: Re: UrT HD / UE4
PostPosted: 03.09.15 
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zietsh wrote:
Well there is a way to convert maps to UE4 but its a bit more work than just executing a binary.
It sounds easier to me to write, compile and execute a binary (provided I had .map and .whatere-ue4-uses specifications) than to follow that procedure.

P.S.: I just looked up UE4 a bit. wrote:
...and video of the engine being demonstrated by technical artist Alan "Talisman" Willard was released to the public on June 7, 2012 via GameTrailers TV.[74][75] This demo was created on a PC with triple GeForce GTX 580 (tri SLI) ...
What are system requirements for that thing gonna be? I have a single GeForce 8400 GS (from the ancient 4-digit times). UT2004 runs fine on this, but UT2004 uses UE2.5.


 Post subject: Re: UrT HD / UE4
PostPosted: 03.10.15 
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If you mean the game it self - that depends on FS.
If you mean the UE4 and the resources you need to make maps:
I find the minimum (actually usable) requirements to be 4GB RAM, something capable processor. I have a 3.6GHz Quadcore. Which gives me more than enough processing capability.
I do not know how much use UE4 makes of the GPU for mapping but again: I have a 7700HD - that card seems to be more than powerful enough, I'd estimate a card with half the memory (512MB clocking around 800GHz should be good enough to map.)

Why I say my specs are "more than enough" even though they are lower than the suggested minimum requirements for UE4: I don't feel hindered in anyway by my hardware this might well be the case because UrT does not require any huge maps. For mappers making huge maps (or maybe jumpmaps) this might not be true for them. But maybe Jump maps will be made in several Levels(maps) who knows how that mode will be developed in UrTHD .

PS: My experiences/opinions/whatever are not base on any technical expertise.

It sounds easier to me to write, compile and execute a binary (provided I had .map and .whatere-ue4-uses specifications) than to follow that procedure.

I meant that the procedure seems a bit time intensive.


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