swim is mad in tdm, in bomb it has 1 easy and 1 hard (blk) bombspot, dont like it either...
about maps:
this topic never ends and and it sucks alot since theres no truth just taste.
sure we have majorities. if we dare to count them.
cause of that we implemented an automatic map vote.
u can look it here:
map_voting.phpnow this machine was fully accepted for the first but over time less and less people used it.
i think a complete new cycle every week was too much for the typical TDM player.
plus voting once a week is worse then it could happen to a swiss man. (:
ah and sure, teh jump needs another map cycle, so do TDM/Bomb etc.
making them vote for all those servers will harm compliance even more.
anyways, if u ask me is cool to have a machine for things that occur frequently.
im the guy that prefers dish washers.
so mine wish would be to enhance that cyclevote bot if theres a sane concept.
its bringing players to us and in action that are not satisfied with the situation, i think thats a real peace keeper.
i need some ideas how it could be.
we could take just 1 new map in cycle every week for example.
and throwing out 1 goes like that:
we have the player numbers in DB. we have them @ map start and we have them @ map end.
that way we find the least popular map.
in past this wasnt possible cause the "cycled out bug" but that seems to be fixed.
in a short: bot throw bad map out, humans choose new map in. limit to 1 map / week
this was just 1 of 1000 ideas, i would like to have some feedback.
we have alot of data inside B3, we can have even more cause were able to modify everything.
(not everything, for exampe the irc bot (cuntbot) has no support atm)
@custom maps
custom maps always need some time till people start to enjoy them.
maybe we can prevent adding custom maps as long as people struggle with the maps that are already there.
we would have to monitor fluctuation over time.
again, we could monitor map-connect/disconnect behaviour.
maybe more interesting for TDM users...
@cycle sequence
ah and sure we have the issue of map sequence.
having 5 sniper maps in a row is hard for automatic players.
sure the map cycle vote has a table with voteable maps.
size is already there, what about else map infos that can help building the cycle?