UPDATE => 05.02.2014
Here are our server on 4.2:
a BOMB Server => dswp.de:22223 (
a JUMP Server => dswp.de:22224 (
a CTF Server => dswp.de:22225 (
a MULTI Server => dswp.de:22226 (
a TDM Server => dswp.de:22227 (
type in your console :
/cg_ghost 1 = for non blocking
/regainstamina 1 = for regain the stamina if you stand still
/allowgoto 1 = allows player to teleport to you
/goto <slot number> = for go to this player for help him
/save = for saving your pisition
/load = for loading your last saved position
here can all mods/admins change the game modes
for tests and other reason
the standard commands (!sry, !fp, !fa, !penis, !boobs, etc. ....) are allowed
have fun