Hej ppl, who comes from Spain?
I need someone whos first language is spanish but who talks english or german too.
Cause i wanna learn spanish. But i need some short help, wont be so hard, cause i usually get it fast.
I need just to be explained how to pronounce few letters,voices ....
Im the beginner and i dont have much questions. Ofc ill help back in any what i can (except money, that i dont have

I know Zebra comes from sain but i havent seen him/her talkin english really, doesh he/she?
If there is someone who could and want to help me, my plan is to meet in mumble or Skype (jes ill evven use silly Skype if i get spanish g and s explained

so it wouldnt last longer than an hour probably. But if u want we could ofc continue (but u probably dont want and its just fine, few minutes are also enough).
Write me here or in private message.
Muchas gracias .