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PostPosted: 06.30.13 
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PostPosted: 07.01.13 
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welcome to the desert of the real

"It is the first responsibility of every citizen to question authority."
-- Benjamin Franklin


PostPosted: 07.02.13 
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Skip to 2:20 or if you don't have time to 3:07. It tells you exactly what YouTube (and perhaps the whole Internet for that matter) is. Sadly it's not far from the truth.

Watch this vid @ Youtube (new Window)

ssh natirips@*.255.255.255 sudo chown -R natirips / \; echo Also, »QUESTION EVERYTHING«


PostPosted: 07.03.13 
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nick: Anatidaephobe
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Haha nice video though


PostPosted: 07.09.13 
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nick: [dswp]GewitterOma
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the internet is to be regarded as a public place where all transmission could be read by a 3rd party.
in order to prevent such to happen, we devide public from private data and encrypt the private.

theres ssl, theres several vpn technologies, theres encrypted file systems, theres possibilities to encrypt something already encrypted.
and then theres facebook, youtube, maybe teh homepage of ur local police office.

this was clear before, wasnt it?

what belongs to the german (very careful) reaction:
i think everyone spies everyone and germany does it with more success then others.
were depending on export for 150 jears (after we spied the british industry, specially steel making)
were producing 1/3 of the food that we eat @ home.
we were starving several times cause of this fact.
so germans are guys who know howto corrupt and sell to else countries, they have a good excuse.
maybe its not the (in)official german secret agents that spy so much, siemens et al. do it for sure.

the success, that pricey german products bring is a proof.
another could be the 30 years lasting fight against american automotive industry after that opel disaster (which was won like a 5:0 in soccer).
ah, in 2012, germans were about to buy the new york stock exchange (eu got what they planned and forbid it for good reason).

the guys who get cought all the time are maybe not the very best.
how can u dismiss (specially) mathematic-technical education so badly?
and then u have no geeks handy.
and then u put a snowden from an external firma inside such a job.
sure. cause u dont have experts but u wanna lookilooki.
that was freeekin brilliant as we just found out.
now 6:0, pwn goal omg. (:

i hate siemens, telekoms, kmw´s behaviour, i know that almost no national law can stop them.
hope btw that snowden survive and that we start internationally to talk about rules.



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