Hey !
I was playing on your server and discovered a new vote plugin you installed.
Voting for knife only is really funny I gotta say
As you all know camping is a real problem on your server. So, as we were pushed back in our spawn a little and couldn't get out, the admin just put snipers off. WTF ?!
His reason: They won't camp without their snipers.
Reality: Every sniper was now with his g36 sitting in the corner,behind boxes and camping.
All in all, it was in vain turning the snipers off. Actually we needed snipers to stop the enemy from rushing.
Solution: Just warn camping guys and if they don't stop kick them.
I have no problem in turning out smoke and hk beacause its no massacre and playable then.
If you want to play some weapons only, go on the mod servers please !
I want the good old Wurst Serwer back.
Thanks for your attention !