btw what is "commie music"? and is it bad to be a communist?
and about those lyrics - if to you guys thats some deep meaningful lyrics or something - you are in cultural trouble
To me its not some deep meaningful lyrics, because its exactly what he says, so no need to have any "deep" meaning. Maybe you search for nice rhetorical methods and consider those as "better" music, but listening to some music in your post I don't think you try to search for a deep meaning which is not there either. And if it makes you happy I listen to Delinquent Habits - Return of the Tres too though I have to admit my "jump" to that was through the aftermath family snoop dogg -> b real -> cypress hill
btw what is "commie music"? and is it bad to be a communist?
Oh its not bad to be a communist, we do live in a free world.... I like the motivation in theory but not the outcome. (We could have a political debate anytime just mby messages or other fred? Or is that against dswp rules, I know I am the evil doer since I started it.)
"commie music" too me is just a therm poking a little fun, I picked that term up in the usa when I was a little kid. No I do not live in the US any more... and I think I live in a better place for me. too me its things like this:
Watch this vid @ Youtube (new Window) .... sounds weird but as I am someone that does not understand the lyrics I still enjoy the music. Got into it after (wursti I think) posted bella ciao, a song that I did not know at the time. Though I do not consider bella ciao "commie music" since its more of a partisan/freedom song, if understood the lyrics correctly.... Also songs from south America (or Cuba) would be commie music to me if its from certain countries and sung by/for certain people or with a similar theme.
@communists... once upon a time, when god lost control over the peoples souls, ideologies occourred. then shit happened in many differend kinds and intensities. before, there was shit happening too. lets call it 2000 years of blood and steel. not in so many differend kinds and not that intense, true... i think marx wanted to kill some like 10% of the human civilisation in order to have a community without lamers. its amazing to watch the impressive ways, that every true ideolog finds to follow marx in this point. @music what about that: music is the *ONLY* art that any human loves. i mean: theres some intested in painting some do whatever fighting art, even tennis is art (for someone). music is for everyone, even a professional tennis ace listens to some music. its the only art that anyone has access to somehow. ok... @eminem eminem likes shitting on others. i listened to some of his stories and i found out that he shold talk with his mother. on me he looks like one of the destroyers of the worthy part in music: connecting people. @hiphop eminem is a representative from a very special genre. u know, theres two opposing trends in music: melodies/rythm (as the musical part) and speech (as the story part) the more u find of the one, the less u find of the other. its logical that hip hop marks the one edge in this perspective.
wether eminem is a good representative for his business? hes a good example for bad social politics, some rappers are. "ghetto" is nothing "cool", its just prooving political mistakes.
To spend some chaos, let me give you another point: @age music is not only what it is, it changes over time in anyone of us. its a personal travel for everyone, thx the internet for almost free. ziesh and havoc are in a significant different age, plus: havoc spent alot of his lifetime for and with the music.
@zietsh - yea pop music is the last place i'd look for meaningful lyrics mate. the point is - i guess you mean stuff like will smith i posted - that "summer time" makes me feel like joint and beer, and eminem makes me feel like having a burst of diarrhea. btw check out the assassin's l'odyssee lyrics - they are ok indeed and still relevant after those years the song was released, but thats just the exception that confirms the rule.
the russian military song you posted is this one - you can read the lyrics there. indeed a strong song.
which reminds me, heres something from the ussr times you might find interesting, its from a movie with the same name and used to be the music for their national tv news -
@nati - ah come on man, thats probably from the early pre-alpha. besides, Megurine is like 1000 times more sexy and everything (and not a pedo-looking child)
@eminem eminem likes shitting on others. i listened to some of his stories and i found out that he shold talk with his mother. on me he looks like one of the destroyers of the worthy part in music: connecting people. @hiphop eminem is a representative from a very special genre. u know, theres two opposing trends in music: melodies/rythm (as the musical part) and speech (as the story part) the more u find of the one, the less u find of the other. its logical that hip hop marks the one edge in this perspective.
wether eminem is a good representative for his business? hes a good example for bad social politics, some rappers are. "ghetto" is nothing "cool", its just prooving political mistakes.
I think eminem speaks and connects only a very slim social group. Not so much allot of people can connect to. I certainly grew up in a country and place that, well was the german middle class... I cant connect to songs talking about selling crack to put food on the table but I can connect to songs getting beat up and later put on headphones listening to music that pumps me up to go back and at least try to fuck up the guy that beat me up... which eminem does offer you too. I can connect to songs talking about some shit ropes and tablets that end things, I can connect to songs talking about how fucked up some political things are... which are all content of eminems songs...
yeah he should talk with his mother, but come on she sued him when he got money... cleaning out my closet is good... BUT I must admit I have only heard eminems side of the story.. I just remembered:
Watch this vid @ Youtube (new Window) (and as the way I am is probably my favourite song from eminem, maybe that will ease any judgement of me based on my music taste..)
@havoc thx for that 1 must start up some writings about ideologies, total power, the banality of teh evil, how to resist more beautiful and such. infiltrate some minds with sexy thinking...
@eminem without eminem: nice trick! seriously: i know that the differences between generations and social disorders are something to be discussed in the public. the way he does it is very personal, beside critics i cant find so much constructivity. so hes one of the many people that are true, but anyways dont look forward to make it better. would be interesting to look how much hes able to enjoy time with the other gender.
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