#dswp wrote:
Jan 25 19:23:58 <aimlessbot> (TDM) rakoth requested an admin: got aimbotter - Crazy
Jan 25 19:24:37 <rakoth-unworld> ohoho, now I see why it didn't work... needed irc account
Nope. Right now, our main bot (CuntBot) is offline, and we use my stopgap replacement, aimlessbot, that fetches the last 30 lines of the chatlog every 60 seconds. (The lack of Cuntie might also be the reason for error messages you were seeing.) The first request didn’t come through (and subsequent ones were delayed) because my computer clock had “adjusted” itself (I suppose Windows XP has a special function for randomly setting summer time or something), and the timestamps were off.
Crazy. (and there was another one people were complaining about,
ApocAlipsA, put on !follow for now).