oki ready for real answers?
U know i bought a new Server cause the old one failed.
And when i saw it idle @ 7% CPU (the old one had ~60% CPU usage doing the same), i thought:
What a PITTY!
So i realized the 90-90-90-90 rule and played a bit with that rcon scripts and masterlists for URT 4.1 and 4.2
Now in this Masterlist i store
- Version of the Gameservers
- Clients Online (humans, recognized by *ping*)
Everything per Server
Every Minute
Theres Cummulation Tables for 15 Minutes and 60 Minutes. Per Server again.
Now lets ask the computer:
FROM server_graph_60min g
INNER JOIN server_list l ON g.uid = l.uid
WHERE g.clients_online != -1
GROUP BY l.version, g.time_stamp
ORDER BY g.time_stamp DESC
LIMIT 0, 10
in a short:
we ask for the sum of clients online on ALL masterlist Servers.
We group it by Version and time.
its the hourly average table.
urt41-vs-42-popularity-contest-2012-12.jpg [ 52.82 KiB | Viewed 9751 times ]
an anwer that is the cause for a new question:
with who to play in urt 4.2?another good question could be:
How is it possible that theres only 1k of 8 billion humans in urt?