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PostPosted: 11.10.12 
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PostPosted: 11.10.12 
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Direct links available once again.

Путін — хуйло

Beginner’s Guide to Urban Terror (woefully out of date)

Daily Deadnade (last updated September 9, 2016)


PostPosted: 11.10.12 
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if someone wants to automate that, i dont have teh time.
is there a linux cli version of the updater?
the rest should be some tcpdump (knows udp too) and mabye a php script to slice text and up in DB...



PostPosted: 11.11.12 
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seems they fixed the updater :)

Image <- got this from JRandomNoob


PostPosted: 11.18.12 
DSWP Meme Artist
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4.2.007 released, direct links and checksums updated. (And yes, the path to .007 is 00009:-P) No issues other than auth still refusing to work for me.

EDIT: the issue with auth just disappeared on its own.
JRandomNoob @ urtinfo wrote:
Like in .006, I’m still getting “your game is outdated” error message and stay unauthed, although all checksums are OK and I can connect to servers just fine. This only happens if I have an authkey file (no issues if I rename it) or set the key in console — right after “sending request to auth server”, the error message appears. Generating new key didn’t help. Using the official Windows binary.

EDIT: just as I was trying to figure out what could cause this — I had some PK3s unpacked to take a peek at the contents, so I thought these might interfere — the problem disappeared and didn’t return even after I moved all the suspect folders back into q3ut4.

Путін — хуйло

Beginner’s Guide to Urban Terror (woefully out of date)

Daily Deadnade (last updated September 9, 2016)


PostPosted: 11.18.12 
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Updated and didn't have any issue with the auth system.

Btw for some reason I feel the game a bit slower with these lastest updates.

Core2 Duo@3GHz
Nvidia 8800GTS 640Mb


PostPosted: 12.03.12 
DSWP Meme Artist
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.008 released, direct links messed up once again — /00010/ does not work, neither does /000010/. Crushie dearie?-) Nevermind, the new path is, of course, /00014/. Also, some PK3s may fail to download — I was left without 0013, for example (quoth the freshly-updated Beginner’s guide: .008 added zUrT42_0017.pk3; overwrote zUrT42_0009.pk3, zUrT42_0011.pk3, zUrT42_0013.pk3, zUrT42_0016.pk3 and zUrT42_qvm.pk3).

Auth issue along with the “game outdated” message is back; a funny thing that several people reported in .007, walls bleeding when you shoot them*, is now visible for me too.

* 14. If the walls of your house bleed, do not attempt an exorcism.
- Move very very far away
- Because there’s blood on your walls
- Your
- Walls
- Are
- Bleeding
- Run

Путін — хуйло

Beginner’s Guide to Urban Terror (woefully out of date)

Daily Deadnade (last updated September 9, 2016)


PostPosted: 12.04.12 
DSWP Meme Artist
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nick: SelfRescuingPrincess
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deaths: 202
ratio: 1.08
OK, turns out the auth issue was caused my… creative approach to backing up old versions’ files — did you know that UrT would load even files renamed as zUrT42_0008.pk3-001 etc? Yeah. Moving all these into another folder fixed the problem.

The largest visible update in .008 is separate skins and HUDs for FFA + LMS and JUMP, green and purple, respectively. We now have 8 additional characters for these modes, one of them bald BTW:-P

4.2.008-red-and-blue-teams.png [ 679.36 KiB | Viewed 5691 times ]
4.2.008-free-and-jump-teams.png [ 670.76 KiB | Viewed 5691 times ]
jump-hud.png [ 632.08 KiB | Viewed 5691 times ]
free-hud.png [ 830.36 KiB | Viewed 5691 times ]

Путін — хуйло

Beginner’s Guide to Urban Terror (woefully out of date)

Daily Deadnade (last updated September 9, 2016)

PostPosted: 12.04.12 
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soo jumping is now officially gay? :S

"Always code as if the guy who ends up maintaining your code will be a violent psychopath who knows where you live."
- Martin Golding


PostPosted: 12.05.12 
DSWP Meme Artist
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nick: SelfRescuingPrincess
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deaths: 202
ratio: 1.08
5217046 04.12.2012 23:51:04 ALL Crusher i wonder if these colours dont shine on the dark?
5217048 04.12.2012 23:51:18 ALL Crusher specially the greeny one
5217050 04.12.2012 23:51:38 ALL moon who would know
5217051 04.12.2012 23:51:41 ALL moon lol
5217052 04.12.2012 23:51:55 ALL moon radioactive players
5217057 04.12.2012 23:52:12 ALL Crusher lol
5217059 04.12.2012 23:52:32 ALL Crusher in fact there is one skin where the player is bald
5217062 04.12.2012 23:53:07 ALL Crusher maybe he lost the hair cause he is radioactive

Путін — хуйло

Beginner’s Guide to Urban Terror (woefully out of date)

Daily Deadnade (last updated September 9, 2016)


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