u know what the following query would do?
CONCAT("<a href=member/",pu.username_clean,">",pu.username_clean,"</a>") as userName,
CONCAT("<a href=tdm-player",pu.xlr_id,">",c.name,"</a>") as GameNick,
u.kills as KnifeKills
from xlr_weaponusage as u
inner join xlr_playerstats as p on p.id = u.player_id
inner join phpbb_users as pu on pu.b3_id = p.client_id
inner join clients as c on c.id = pu.b3_id
where u.weapon_id = 21
order by u.kills desc limit 0, 10;
it needs 0.047 sec, so its in the right side under server monitors from now on.