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 Post subject: [CODE] UTC v-1.0
PostPosted: 09.07.12 
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Thought this should get a new thread and not spamming wiki thread.

Urban Terror Configurator

Version -1.0
Yes it's minus. That's because it's just prototype, proof of concept, not even alpha, etc..

Just so zietsh can see where I want to go with this :D
Half of the code is in bad state, as I am in middle of building the basic structure.
Anyway the keyboard is kinda working you. You can bind to keys, for now only radio commands.

Also I did some interactive FOV tool, but it's missing slider, so it doesn't look that good :D
But anyway anybody knows how can you compute if u have an image with width = x pixels, with fov = Phi, what width will you get if u change Phi? I dont know if its even possible. So i faked is with linear functions for now.

5 files included, utc.html, utc.css, utc.js, jquery-1.8.0.js, fov.png

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 Post subject: Re: [CODE] UTC v-1.0
PostPosted: 09.08.12 
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I really like where this is going :D

Great work! :)


 Post subject: Re: [CODE] UTC v-1.0
PostPosted: 09.09.12 
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maybe wurst can put this somewhere on the web server, like

Image <- got this from JRandomNoob


 Post subject: Re: [CODE] UTC v-1.0
PostPosted: 09.09.12 
Ingame Mod
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nick: [dswp]Jan
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nick: [dswp]Jan
skill: 664.203
    - Created dswp javascript namespace
    - Created Light-weight User Interface library aka LUI (not yet separate files)
    - Created tabs in LUI
    - Added Custom Bind Possibilty
    - Created Main Navigation

Known Bugs
    - Import doesn't work (not even started yet)
    - Fov Image doesn't work (broken)

zietsh wrote:
Great work! :)

Aaa thanks! :D
Btw, what else could be in the bind tabs? We could make some usefull misc -> like changing weapons or something? i dont know much about binds in urt :D
Cookie wrote:
maybe wurst can put this somewhere on the web server, like

Ye, we talked :D but there is no need to hurry, until we are version at least -0.5 :D
Not really too usable at this time..

Anyway i will probably have this 2 weeks shitty and no time (going back home then to university).. arghhh

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 Post subject: Re: [CODE] UTC v-1.0
PostPosted: 09.09.12 
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nick: [dswp]zietsh
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ratio: 1.22
I wanted to have a mapposition bind (also with image) and a togglemap size which I use especially when playing bomb-mode:

set tog_mapsizebig "cg_mapsize 500; cg_mapalpha 1"
set tog_mapsizesmall "cg_mapsize 75; cg_mapalpha 0.200000"

bind KP_LEFTARROW "+vstr tog_mapsizebig tog_mapsizesmall"

and then there are lots of thing for the optimized binary for sound and visual effects

Or mby some stuff for a demo-view/record cfg :)


 Post subject: Re: [CODE] UTC v-1.0
PostPosted: 09.09.12 
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if you need some advice on binds, let me know...

Image <- got this from JRandomNoob


 Post subject: Re: [CODE] UTC v-1.0
PostPosted: 09.09.12 
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oki here u go...

separate files:

Integrated and authenticated (maybe u can fix that...)
(content gets read from utc.php in ur directory...)



 Post subject: Re: [CODE] UTC v-1.0
PostPosted: 09.09.12 
Ingame Mod
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nick: [dswp]Jan
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The css file path is "utc.css" should be ./dswp_tools/utc/utc.css
That will fix it...

Even though it's not really needed to work with php :D
Unless somebody would want saving of the config on the server...

anyway big thanks!


 Post subject: Re: [CODE] UTC v-1.0
PostPosted: 09.09.12 
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nick: [dswp]GewitterOma
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ratio: 1.09
ye, u never know :<P
the inclusion brings some features like users etc...
the file parsed in ./utc.php is the ./dswp_tools/utc/utc.php in ur directory....

i think the paths match, anyways the css file must be called in the <head> right?
maybe its possible to throw them inline (or include them for the case the script gets called through board...)



 Post subject: Re: [CODE] UTC v-1.0
PostPosted: 10.10.12 
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Joined: 03.12.11
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nick: [dswp]zietsh
skill: 1056.62
kills: 18077
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ratio: 1.22
I was just thinking about this again today, still do not have the time to actually do anything again until next week, probably I will be able to do stuff then.
But the idea was about the way to handle the entire binding part of the keyboard, if we would search for the for the bind in the text-area we could edit configs :) (Where the upload cfg is already)

user copy&paste .cfg into textbox

What is known:
search this||||||get this|||||||||and this||||

get the [$KEYBOARDBUTTON] and get[$CONTENT]

I will try to make this in my vacation but im still a js idiot google will tell me how it works ^^
I think its like I will say: delete everything in line after seta, everthing after // and delete all bind[space] now read all to " and read to the next " I'm thinking about something like you could do in powershell or with awk in linux

PS C:\Users\X> Get-Content G:\X_Datein\temp.txt
bind 2 "ut_radio 5 1 ^7enemy.^4visible ^7= ^4true"
bind 5 "ut_radio 1 6 ^7Cardiopulmonary ^7resuscitation ^7on ^7its ^7way^4!"
PS C:\Users\X> Get-Content G:\X_Datein\temp.txt | %{ $_.Split('"')[0];}
bind 2
bind 5
PS C:\Users\X> Get-Content G:\X_Datein\temp.txt | %{ $_.Split('"')[1];}
ut_radio 5 1 ^7enemy.^4visible ^7= ^4true
ut_radio 1 6 ^7Cardiopulmonary ^7resuscitation ^7on ^7its ^7way^4!
PS C:\Users\x>

and this in js would be awesome! :)


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