the ftp thingey should be no problem till next thursday, i think, at least for the mapgedöns, last cycle was upped hours before the ftp went down.
but wasn't there a different type of eol characters between windows and unix? cycle was uppend from a unix to a windows, don't know if binary or ascii mode..
ah, guess i found the problem - the new mapcycles were upped into a different dir on a different harddrive - i guess that the content from the new urt srv dir is a copy from wurstis home - there is only one mapcycle.txt (there should be at least 2 more of them + the old ones), even plz.cfg & bky.cfg, both player configs, looks much like home version.
another reason: <set name="gamepath">G:\gameservers\UrbanTerror\q3ut4\</set> in poweradminurt.xml
..uploaded the 2 new cycles, corrected the path in xml and restarted b3 - plz check again
em, is it running the dswp sverer mod compiled for unix or just the standard?