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 Post subject: Re: Myself
PostPosted: 07.11.12 
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Samtron wrote:
Wow - nice pictures and a beautiful landscape!
Are you currently on holidays in Lærdal?

Thanks :)
No, it's from last's year vaction in Norway. Dreaming to come here again.
In my childhood I lived more than two years at north, called Yakutiya. Tiny village in deep forest - geologic party. Now it's part of Russian Federation - Saha-Yakutiya respublic. So I'm in love with North nature, north climate. Deep, strong, full love. And Norway is _SO_ beautiful with it's fjords, mountains, waterfalls, air, people and whole country.

Lærdal. Funny letters u have there in Ukraine. :)
We have more funny letters in russian, than norway's :) Like:
tons of them :)


 Post subject: Re: Myself
PostPosted: 07.11.12 
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just joking, sry :D
i had 7 years russian in school, im so dumb that i cant speak 1 correct sentence.
however, the cyrillic alphabet is still present, missing that one. even Ju-гославиja couldnt invent such mad latino-mixup-letters :)



 Post subject: Re: Myself
PostPosted: 07.11.12 
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wurst wrote:
just joking, sry :D
i had 7 years russian in school, im so dumb that i cant speak 1 correct sentence.
however, the cyrillic alphabet is still present, missing that one. even Ju-гославиja couldnt invent such mad latino-mixup-letters :)

No-no, I understand jokes, everything is OK :D
Hehe, russian is compicate language, yes. :) It's another kind of mind, kind of living. But language is so nice... 'cause it's a reflection of human mind, sences, scares and hopes, life and dreams, not only changing information between speakers like in english for example.
And swearwords :) Mmm, they're perfect :)
Do U Remember "Matrix 2" movie? - there was some program called Merowing (don't know exactly his name) he liked swearing in French, he thought that it's the best from all languages. He's wrong, the best is in Russian :)
And why did U learn russian in school?


 Post subject: Re: Myself
PostPosted: 07.11.12 
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Hm, it was a private school, they have 2 foreign languages from the first grade on.
Basically nice concept, u must start languages early in humans if u want to make them feel the language.
This means nothing less then presenting another way of thinking, very valuable.

However, I never liked to be educated.
Im not sick but I have some kind of allergy to authority as it turned out.
The russian teacher (from russia) was kinda authorative person. We conflicted, she cried, I prevented to learn any while thinking I would win.
In class #8 i left that school without any knowledge at all, exept the interesting things sure.
Languages have been always lame to me.
Exeptions are a breakdown thing in communication, sry u poor linguists. Do something or eat teh rulez!

1 mad girlfriend from england and a freeked bunch of computers teached me english in the end.
Thx to them.
For the Rest: PHP (up to 5.2) is a "good" language, just my Opinion, wrong topic...



 Post subject: Re: Myself
PostPosted: 07.11.12 
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Yep, having a good teacher, especially in school it's a so seldom thing, like a solar eclipse. Authority while working with children isn't a good way to teach them...
Such teacher, like your's, was in my school too, in computer sciences. Like you she gave me nothing in her subject - computers, she told me, that I'm doing wrong entering computer science faculty in university. And now I'm an chief of IT department, admin. :)


 Post subject: Re: Myself
PostPosted: 07.12.12 
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The big Stallman said once that the transfer of knowledge is an act of friendship.
Thats true.
But whenever it comes to schooling, the *victim* dont feel that way.
Thats fatal.



 Post subject: Re: Myself
PostPosted: 07.15.12 
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wurst wrote:
The big Stallman said once that the transfer of knowledge is an act of friendship.
Thats true.
But whenever it comes to schooling, the *victim* dont feel that way.
Thats fatal.

He-he, that's right...


 Post subject: Re: Myself
PostPosted: 08.29.13 
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... Decided to change nick to Ralph124c41+ ...


 Post subject: Re: Myself
PostPosted: 09.06.13 
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Nice to see Ukrainian face here.


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